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~ Nut Cracker ~

It was silent, for a good few seconds then I looked up from my lap to see him, just smiling at me.

'.. what? '

He looked at me expecting me to repeat my confession, oh how awkward it feel.

' .. I said, you.. '

He smiled even more, our eyes meeting again.

' .. Im acually so glad you said that it makes this easier.. '

' Hm? Makes wh- '

Well that shut me up, by that I mean him leaning in making our lips meet. Is this his way of him saying he likes me too?

I acually couldn't care less, his soft lips were on my own. I never would have thought this would happen when I decided to come out here.

Just to ruin the sweet moment my phone rings and he pulls back, big beautiful grin on.

' sorry .. ' I checked who it was, ugh curse you Minchi.

' heyyy girll where you at, I was wondering where you went and Jimin wasn't in his room either but, the show has been cast and auditions will start soon '

She rambled on as usual.

' wait wait wait.. what show? '
Jimin looked at me with a raised brow I shrugged.

' you doof, a show we run every year come on Y/n get with it.'

' ohh .. Um yeah, I'll head back now see you then '

' hurry! I want the main..!'

I hung up the phone and put it into my pocket and stood next to the bench.

' what was that about? '

Jimin questioned standing beside me.

' Minchi said the show was chosen and we should have a look at it? '

' ohhhh yeah.. wonder what it could be.. '


' the Nutcracker? '

Jimin and I said in unison. Minchi rolled her eyes at us.

' YEAH THE NUTCRACKER! Last time we did this show I was a dumb snowflake but I want a lead so baddd'

' I'm sure you will get one, your amazing..'

' hmm I'd doubt that, you are very Clara material '

' eheh, thanks? '

We wrote our names up and looked at all the roles, even though most of us have seen or been in a nutcracker before, it's nice to know.

'.. Hm Jimin can I talk to you? '

Minchi smiled up at him, he nodded and they walked away. Well bye then. I definitely don't care.. what everrr.

Standing alone looking at the roles a hand was placed on my shoulder.

' scuse me Madame.. uh Y/n? Heyy '

I flipped my head around and remembering the familiar face.

' ahh Hoseok, helloo '

He smiled brightly as he must be happy I remember him, what a sweetie.

' ah are you signing up? Me too! '

' you do ballet?!?? '

Taken back by his mark he laughed.

' pftt, no definitely not. I'm more a freestyle showcase man. '

' ah, yeah you really are '

We shared smiles and soon waved eachother off walk-in opposite ways.

He's such a nice person, I wish more people were like him.


Minchi pushed me away to a empty area.

' spill, why did you two turn up together and in such good moods. I have eyes mister. '

' eheh if I told you, you won't believe it..'

' Jimin you better tell me right now '

She put her hands on her hips and gave me a sturn look.

' well I went to the beach to think and she somehow knew where I was, and well she confessed which made my life so much easier.. and I kissed her.. but then you called '

Her eyes widened.

' she confessed? Oh nooo I ruined the momenttt , well are you two like a thing? '

Her question stuck with me, we never really got to talk it out.

' no I don't think so.. '

' hmm well might need to sort that out soon '

She pointed past my shoulder at her talking to Hoseok.. she knew him?

I've talked to Hoseok a good few times now that I know he would never do something like that.

' I'm sure he is no harm Minchi.. '

They both smiled and walked away. Hmm I should try and sort this out with her now.

' im going to check on her, see you later '

I took steps away from her and was about to turn but,

' alright by first! '

I waited for her response.

' if Y/n gets clara, you should get the nutcracker.. think about it.. '

I kinda want to go back to this story because I see more people reading it and I honestly just like it sooo taddaaa

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