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//Delirious pov\\

I had finished my shift at the small cafe I work at and was making my way home. I was walking across a zebra crossing when I heard tire wheels screeching not far from me. As I turned to find out what was happening, I was suddenly greeted by nothing but darkness and pain. Sirens.. People.. That's all I heard, and darkness, that's all I saw as I drifted away.

*Where am I?*

*You're In the Hospital Jonathan*

*Who are you? How do you know my name?*

*Im Lucifer. I'm in your head*
He whispered the last part.

*The Devil? In my head? That's Impossible*
I laughed, not believing this. It's just my mind playing tricks with me again.

*Believe me when I tell you that it can and its happening right now. Also I'm going to be here for a lOng time so you should start getting used to me*

*How is this possible?!*

*stop questioning it and wake up already*

*Wake up? What do you mean wake up?*

*You're in a coma*

*A coma?!*

*It was a hit and run, a drunk driver. Now you're in a coma*

*Am I going to die? When am I going to wake up? I can't die yet!*

It was still pitch black like when I first passed out though I could slightly see something from the corner of my eye. It was a shadow, a misty black shadow. And it was looking directly at me.

*You're not dead. And you're not going to die so stop complaining*


*I said stop complaining anD WAKE UP ALREADY!*

The shadow launched towards me in the speed of lighting and-

"AHH!". I sprung up in an unknown bed, in a unknown room. Breathing and sweating a little. "Jon! Holy shit you're awake, are you okay?", the voice of the person led up to- Evan?! His hand was holding mine and his other holding my cheek, calming me down.

"Where am I?"

Evan: "Were in the hospital, you don't remember?"

Oh...Should've known.

I shook my head.

Evan: "You where hit by a drunk driver. No one knows who it was and the police couldn't find anything so they gave up"

I was about to reply but a nurse came in. She smiled as she walked to me and placed her hand on my forehead.

Nurse: "You're temperature is high and your breathing is quick. Is everything okay? What happened?" she asked, writing some things on her clipboard. I was so overwhelmed by everything that I couldn't hardly get any words out.

Evan: "I don't know he just shot up suddenly. Maybe he had a bad dream or something?", Evan shrugged.

Nurse: "Okay. Well he seems fine and he's all healed now so he's good to go", she smiled.

Evan: "Thank you nurse"

I forgot he was still holding my hand until he let go, making me blushes he passed me my clothes.

Evan: "You're top was ripped and covered in blood so they threw it away. Your jeans and jacket are fine though So they cleaned them"

He turned around so I could get dressed. Though, I could only get my jeans on and not my jumper due to my arms hurting. I couldn't see the damage as they where both wrapped in bandages. I also had one around the side of my head, just above my right eyebrow where my piercing was.

"Um...C-can you help me?"
I asked nervously. He turned around and I could see the smallest hint of redness on his cheeks.

Evan: "Yeah sure"
He smiled, and helped me put my jumper on carefully.

I was embarrassed, having to show my weak body to Evan, even if it was just my chest. But I needed his help. We soon got out the Hospital after signing some forms and he drove me home.

When we got there, the front door opened before I could even touch it. "Welcome home Del! How are you feeling buddy?", out came Craig, pulling me into a hug. "Everyone's here?". I was suprised really. I thought they wouldn't have.

Jaren: "Of corse bud! After hearing what happened we went to see you right away. Though you were in a coma so you couldn't see us, so we stayed here the whole time! hope you don't mind", he scratched the back of his head smiling. I shook my head.

"We were so worried!", a small squeaker whined. Everyone got up from their places and pulled me into a big group hug.

*They were worried about me?*

*Don't be stupid, they came out of pity*

I was so fazed by everything I hadn't noticed everyone go back to what they were doing, until someone dragged me out from my thoughts. "You okay bud? We lost ye there forra bit", Nogla came down from upstairs. I smiled at him and sat on the couch, next to Bryce and Marcel.

"He's not himself", Brock whispered to Evan. They where watching me from the kitchen. "He was hit by a car. Of corse he's not himself", replied Evan.

Brock: "True but he isn't extremely injured though, maybe he's just..shocked?"

Evan: "It's Delirious. It could be anything", he left the conversation and headed towards me.  "You okay? Do you need anything?", he asked, crouching in front of me. "I'm fine", I lied, smiling slightly. He paused for a few seconds but eventually got up "..Okay", he sighed. "Let me know if you do".

The rest of he day was quiet. The boys were either watching tv, playing Xbox or other games whilst I was sat in the windowsill. Just staring out into the Forrest that was across the road from my house. The guys decided to stay a day or 2, making sure if I was truly alright or not.

Lucifer (H2OToonz)Where stories live. Discover now