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"You only call me in my real name or full fake name if there's a serious matter. So spill the bean" she stared at his uncle waiting patiently for him to talk. He looked deeply into her eyes searching for something. He felt that this is the right time to tell her the truth behind her parents death. He sighed deeply.

"Your parents didn't die in an accident" he paused waiting for her reaction but she was staring blankly nonetheless he continue "they were killed" he finished. Lisa widen her eyes slowly moving her eyes to look at him not uttering words still trying to sink in what she heard. She gulped.

"They're death was falsificated someone was behind their death, someone powerful"

"Why, why would they kill them?"

"I don't know."

"Why are you saying this to me now?"

"Because I think this is the right time that you'll understand and its your right to know it"

"Is that why you change my name?" Full of curiosity filled her mind.

"I know for sure there is someone behind your parents death, someone's powerful that can be after you too and to protect you I change your name but I don't think they know you exist"

"What do you mean?"

"Your existence was hidden even before you were born"


"Your father hide you" she look confuse.

"Why would he hide me?" He shooked his head. He doesn't want her to know. She needs a normal life like her father wanted it to be. He loves her, care fo her like his own daughter. He doesn't want her to be in danger. He knew something but he wanted to do it in his own way and not to involve her. But in Lisa's thought, something is odd that his uncle only told her the half truth but she shrugged it off.

"It's late. Lets go home" he uttered.

Lisa didn't showed any form of sadness in front of her uncle. She didn't even cried but deep in her heart she's broken.

Kicking. Punching. If the punching bag is a person it was dead by now. Lisa was putting all her strenght and power to the punching bag letting her anger out, its good that she's wearing a bosing gloves coz if its not her knuckles would be swollen and blooded. She was angry about her parents being killed for no reason. Hatred, is what she is feeling right now- hating someone who don't know is. She was kicking and punching non-stop, reminiscing her parents- the laughter they shared when goofing around, her crying when she stumbled learning to ride a bike, the fighting 101 with his father, her mother braiding her hair and everything they went in to. Tears falling non-stop while still fighting with the pitiful punching bag. Up to she remembered the day their home was in chaos. Last punch, she hugged the punching bag sobbing hardly. She repeatedly asking why. Her body wasn't tired. She's tired of crying ever and anon.

"Teach me" Lisa made her way to an area, surrounded with trees, where is Uncle doing his shooting. His uncle was a retired secret agent. He turned his head to her with a determined looks.

"No one will teach you other than me. I know if your father was still alive he would also teach you because-"

"To protect myself" she continued. That's the only reason why his father taught her fighting skills so she can protect herself not for violence but little did she know there is more than that.

Lisa is smart and a quick learner. She was taught in a small span of time but she already absorbs everything, even some techniques.

"Okay lets see if you can shoot the target" her uncle said. She pulled the trigger and shoot. Bullseye. His uncle smiled inwardly. She knew Lisa is a special kid. It's in her blood, the talent and skills. After he told her all the praising words, he left. He wasn't that far when he whispered to himself "fate will lead you there".

She was alone shooting. Before the next shot , she uttered furiously to herself, "I'll revenge mom, dad. I'll find them" then shoots nonstop.

Shooting range was firing of gunshots. Lisa was told to shot every part of the body being said and what can you expect, she hitted perfectly. It's been five years, now a firearms licensed.

"Wow, you're good. No, no, excellent is the perfect word to describe you" a guy walked to her after she was done. The guy was eyeing her since she stood in thw shooting area.

"It's not a big deal" she answered. He thought the girl is full of herself. He smirked.

"I have a friend that is very skilled and excellent too in this kind of thing"

"So what are you trying to say?"

"I'm challenging you. Beat him" Lisa thought for a while. She loves challenge and challenging herself is a passion.

"Why do you want to do this?" She wanted to know the reason.

"To put in his coconut head that there is someone better than him. Like you he's full of himself and I want to beat him, of course by you" he babbled. she smirked.

"Is he really good at this?" She confidently asked

"Hundred one percent" he exclaimed.

"Okay. Tuesday nextweek, 10am" she was about to leave

"By the way I'm Park Jimin" he offered his right hand for a handshake. She ignored it "see you next week Mr. Park" she smirked and left. Jimin stared at his hand and awkwardly put it down looking dumbfounded.

You thought the guy was Jungkook right? Hehe. But did I gave you hint?Don't worry you will not wait for so long.

Just youreading this is a pleasure. I will not ask for more :)

Loveya bunicorns, magniranthies and all ♥♥♥

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