4. Way to be embarrassing mum

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Hailey's POV

I totally won, Pink is my jam, Jonas had no chance, none. Jonas and Finlay left ten minutes ago, mum got home five minutes later after they left. Mum is making dinner and Levi is playing a random shooting game, and I am on Facebook scrolling down my news feed. Yawn. I'm about to log off when I get 5 friend requests, all at once; Levi Miller, Jonas O'Connell, Finlay Tasman, Nicholas Walker and Adam Parker. I smile and except them all.

Suddenly I get three messages, I read Finlay's first; 'it's still awesome how you totally bet Jonas.' I reply; 'Yea, I know.' Next, I read Nick's message; 'Hey Ted,' I smirk at the nickname, 'Hey Nick,' Then read Jonas' message; 'Shouldn't you be getting ready for a date?' I quickly log off Facebook and ran upstairs. Shit almost forgot about the date.

It has just gone quarter past six; I have forty-five minutes before Jonas get here to pick me up. I walk into my bathroom, turn the shower on and undress. I wash my hair and skin until I smell like roses. Getting out, I wrap a towel around myself and walk out to my room, and into my wardrobe. I find a black tank top with a skull and red roses on it. Then I grab a pair of black skinny jeans and place them on my bed before going back into the bathroom.

Whilst in the bathroom I blow dry my hair and apply minimal makeup, eyeliner, a lot of eyeliner. I make my way back into my room and start to dress. After I am dressed I scour my wardrobe for shoes. I find my studded combat boots and decide to wear them. I stand in front of the mirror and give myself a once over. There is something missing. I hear Jonas' motorbike arrive and I look out the window. I see him taking off his leather jacket. Leather jacket, that's what I'm missing. I grab it and head downstairs.

I wait in the lounge until Jonas knocks. "I'll get it." Mum calls as she opens the door. Her eyes wide and her jaw drops when she sees Jonas.

"Good evening Mrs Miller, I'm Jonas O'Connell, I'm here to pick up Teddy." Mum's jaw drops even more when he calls me by my actual name, if that's possible.

"Hello Jonas, I'll just go get Teddy for you, TEDDY!!!!! There is a hot guy at the door for you," mum yells wriggling her eyebrows.

"Way to be embarrassing mum, don't wait up." I say as I walk past her, she begins to say something but I cut her off. "Yea, I know be home by twelve." I give her a quick kiss on the cheek, and then grab Jonas' hand. "Hey."

"Hey, you ready to do homework?" he asks smoothly.

"Oh, I thought I forgot something." I look up at Jonas with an innocent face.

"You were never going to bring it, were you?" Jonas is staring intensely down at me. I feel my face heat up; he looks so hot right now.

"Not since you announced this a date, plus if I don't hand it in tomorrow I get to hang out with 5 awesome people after school in detention." I state cheekily.

"Good girl, gone bad. I like it. But I should tell you, I wasn't really going to help you with your homework, I'm crap at that shit." He smirks. We're standing next to his motorbike, holding hands and staring into each other's eyes. Disgustingly cute, I know.

"We should get going if you want to go on this date, if we say any longer we'll have to play a board game with mum." This gets him moving, he lets go of my hand and hops on the motorbike. I get on after him and wrap my arms around his waist. Wow...is that an eight pack?

"Yes it is an eight pack, you do realise you said that out loud right?" I can almost hear a smirk in his voice, "Go on feel them, I don't mind." He turns the motor bike on and revves the engine, making my hold around his waist tighter.

The motorbike ride is fun; it takes us about fifteen minutes to get to an ice cream parlour on the other side of town. It is a small shop called 'Old lady Betty's ice cream parlour.'

"Come on, there is ice cream waiting," Jonas says grabbing my hand and pulling me inside. "I hope you haven't eaten."

"I haven't," I reply.

"Nana!" he calls out, letting go of my hand and runs up to an old lady, and embracing her in a hug. "I brought my friend to have ice cream." he motions to me.

"It nice to see you Jonas, how's your father doing?" she starts making a massive ice cream Sunday.

"They're still fighting Nana; every day is something small, something new." Jonas looks down at his fidgeting hands. "I hate it. Dad acts like everything is okay but I know it's not."

"Of course you do my boy, you're almost a man. You understand more things now that you are older." Their conversation was interesting but I had no place in it so I zoned out. "Here's your ice cream my boy." The old lady said handing Jonas the bowl/cup and two spoons.

We sat side by side in a booth at the back of the ice cream parlour, "Jonas, when is your birthday?" I ask, honestly curious.

"January 5th and yours is December 6th right?" he asks thinking of Levi' birthday.

I let out a small laugh before answering, "Not exactly, you know how Levi and I are two minutes apart," Jonas nods, "well; I was born on the 5th of December at 11:59."

"Wow that's amazing." He says grinning at the ice cream in front of us, "you turn 18 next month. You're older than me by a month."

"So anyways, do you bring all the girls here?" I ask feeling a slight pang of jealously, but not much.

"Nope," he says popping the 'p', actually this is the first date I've ever gone on." He blushes and looks down at his hands. "You would be the first girl I've ever taken out."

"Don't worry; I'll make it easy for you. So you've never had a girlfriend?" I casually ask.

"No, but I did pretend the girl I liked when was eight was, but she didn't notice I even existed, she was too engrossed with reading oversized books, like Harry Potter." He has a small smile on his lips while he talks, it makes him look adorable, "What about you, ever had a boyfriend?"

"Yeah, I don't want to go into details but there was one when I was five. I can't even remember his name. He was a little blonde boy with dark blue eyes, I used to play after school with him at the park down the road from house every day. He always had a toy motorbike. He was my friend, not Levi's, they didn't get along." I explain, staring into space, picturing the good old days before everything got complicated. I also purposely didn't mention my last boyfriend.

Jonas literally gulps and shoves a huge spoon of ice cream into his mouth. He finishes that spoonful then asks, "What happened to him?"

"I don't know. It was my sixth birthday and I went running down to the park to invite him to my birthday party but he wasn't there, I haven't seen him since." I shrug and eat more ice cream.

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