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Junhoe : dh trlmbat bro.. *junhoe bgun n msok bilik dia..*
Hanbin : aku prgi tgok junhoe.. *hanbin bgun n msok blik junhoe.. Dorg yg lain trdiam, trmasuk donghyuk.. Bobby scroll phone dia..*
Bobby : aku pun da trlmbt.. *bobby letak phone dpan jinhwan n jln msok bilik.. Jinhwan tgok ape yg bobby tunjukkn..*

@Jeon.Jk posted a photo !!

Jk posted a photo !!

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@Jeon.Jk : tengok cara dia pandang @JisooOwn So sweet kn.. Make a move hyung.. Palli2..

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@Army : wow.. Ship!!! Palli2 namjoon oppa!!

@tulips : kenapa bts selalu sgt dgn geng pmpuan murah nie??

@Jeon.Jk : @tulips watch your language..

@Jin.Bts : hahaha.. @RealNam  cuba menggoda mggunakn mata..

@RealNam : seriusly?? Maknae!!! Kau tggu..

@JisooOwn : hahahaa.. Bila @Jeon.Jk ambk nie?? Hahaha nice picture.. Kredit to u..

Jinhwan geleng kpala.. Mslh dorg makin serius.. Donghyuk plak msih xthu ape yg ptot dia buat..

**seminggu kemudian**

Baby soul : nsib baik kita dpt CF nie kn.. Korg thu x spe lg yg dpt..
Mijoo : no idea..
Namjoon : hey girls.. Korg buat ape at sini??
Jisoo : namjoon oppa.. Kami tgah brsiap utk CF nie..
Namjoon : seriously?? Hahaha.. Kita dpt CF yg sama lg..jimin.. Jimin.. * namjoon mnjerit pggil jimin.. Jimin cpat2 msok bilik yg namjoon msok td, dia trkejut nmpk kei..*
Jimin : hye kei.. Awk buat ape at sini??
Kei : CF.. * kei snyum.. Jimin pun snyum..*
Jhope : nmpk gayanya mmg jodoh la lovelyz n bts.. *dorg brkrjasama utk CF.. Jungkook nmpk yg yein mcm xde mood sgt..*
Jungkook : hai yein..
Yein : hai jungkook..
Jungkook : something happen??
Yein : nope.. * yein cuba snyum..*
Jungkook : jgn tipu sy yein.. Sy x pksa awk prcaya sy, klau awk prlukn kwn utk brcerita sy ade.. *jungkook mmg baik dgn yein.. Yein angguk n snyum.. Yein tunduk bila dia tringat balik at junhoe, Jungkook pndg yein, dia thu yein tgah sedih.. Jungkook x prasan namjoon curi2 ambk gmba dia n yein..*

@RealNam posted a photo !!

@RealNam posted a photo !!

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@RealNam : our golden maknae.. Apa yg dibincangkn tu, nampak serius.. Dorg secocok kn.. Ship them @Jeon.Jk and @YeinOwn..

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@Roses : that girl ugly..

@Tulips : agree with you @Roses.. That girl ugly, bitch!!

Army : so cute golden maknae..

@Bts : ship them!! Lovelyz n bts!!

@Jin.Bts : @Roses @Tulips watch your words please.

@JkLovers : the way @Jeon.Jk look at yein.. Full with love.. I can feel it..

@P.jimin : hahaha.. So sweet JK.. I'm so proud..

@Jeon.Jk : what the.......

@Jin.Bts : language son.. @Jeon.Jk

@Jeon.Jk : i'm not your son!!

@YeinOwn : hahaha so funny..

Yein snyum sorg2 tgok status namjoon.. Dia da tuka bju sbb hal dia da settle.. Yein dpt call..  Yein x knal nmbo tu.. Dia jwp...
Yein : helo..
Junhoe : helo.. *yein knal suara nie*
Yein : yes?? Siapa ye??
Junhoe : seorg lelaki bodoh. Sy mnx maaf.. Sy tahu sy salah.. Sy xmnx awk maafkn sy atau bg sy peluang yein.. Sy thu awk bencikn sy.. Sy trima.. Sy cuma nk awk thu, cuma awk dlm aty sy.. Jaga diri awk.. Kalau lupakn sy, bole bhgiakn awk, sy izinkn awk lupakn sy.. Maaf sbb kwujudan sy, cuma ksengsaraan utk awk.. Tp awk adalah hal yg trindah dlm idop sy.. *belum smpat yein jwp ape2 tros junhoe letak phone.. Dia mnangis peluk lutut dlm bilik.. Yein trdiam.. Dia yakin junhoe mnangis td.. Junhoe ambk phone dia, dia post ssuatu yg dia anggap kali trakhir.. N junhoe ambk ubat dlm laci, dia tuang hmpir separuh botol ubat tdo, n dia telan.. Junhoe x pikir ape2, dia cuma nk tdo.. Junhoe tgok gmba yein, mata junhoe smakin berat.. Air mata junhoe mgalir.. Hanbin nk ajak ahli ikon mkn.. Dia nk msok bilik junhoe tp junhoe kunci pintu..*
Hanbin : junhoe buka pintu.. Jom kita kluar mkn.. Aku belanja.. Junhoe.. Kluar la.. *hanbin ketuk pintu bilik junhoe, xde respon ape2..*
Chanwoo : hyung.. Junhoe.. Mana?? *chanwoo trmengah2 sbb lari..*
Hanbin : dlm bilik dia la.. Knapa??
Chanwoo : tengok nie.. * chanwoo tunjukkn phone dia at hanbin..*

@OfficialJunhoe posted a photo!!

@OfficialJunhoe posted a photo!!

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@OfficialJunhoe : i tried my best to move on.. But i can't.. I'm so sorry friends and fans, i have everything but i'm not happy.. Its time to go.. Thanks for everything..


Terbeliak mata hanbin bila baca status junhoe..
Hanbin : junhoe.. Kau jgn buat gila.. *hanbin cuba pecahkn pintu.. Jinhwan trmengah2 smpai at bilik junhoe.. Dia pun dpt DM dari mijoo utk tgok status junhoe, lpas tu dia x sedap aty n dia lari prgi bilik junhoe.. Jinhwan tlg hanbin pecahkn pintu..*
Bobby : aku da call ambulans.. *bobby baca status tu n dia cemas.. Pintu brjaya di pecahkn, dorg msok bilik junhoe n junhoe trbaring.. Ubat brteraburan..*


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