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i. this is NOT first,
come first serve!!

ii. you must kindly ask
for the plot and the creator
will decide wether you
can have it or not.

iii. if the creator of the plot
does my accept your request,
DO NOT get mad and go
off on us. if you do, you will
banned from this plot shop.

iv. when you publish the
book, you must credit the
creator and this account!
ex: plot by [creator's username]/@hawkinsclique. credit must
be given in the description +
first chapter of the book.

v. you must be following the
creator of the plot + this
account to be able to ask for a plot.

vi. if there is an asterix (*)
next to one of the pieces of
information, it means it can
be changed. if there is not
you must ask the creator
before changing it (only if
they give you permission).

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