When Rain Falls

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[there is raining sounds at the top to make the reading more peaceful and the pic is for this chapter! Enjoy]

Its Saturday and the sky is grey, pouring with rain. I didnt expect anything less from this time of year. It'll be like this all week, not that I mind, in fact I love when it rains the sound is soothing. I lay in my bed with my controller in hand about to put on some Netflix. This is the dream. I choose the Netflix app then go downstairs to get a snack.

"Oh hello!" I hear my mom chirp near the door.

"Sorry to bother you Mrs. Jones, but is it alright if I hang out with Hazel today, my parents are fighting." I hear a male voice and poke my head out.


My mom hugs the life out of him. "Of course sweetheart! You know you're always welcome here, and Mrs. Jones isnt what we agreed on years ago."

"Im sorry, you're right mom." I hear him chuckle.

"Hey." I pop into coversation.

"Oh dear well its almost time for the meeting, Hazel please make Evan at home. I love you kiddos now ill be back in two hours." My mom kisses both of our cheeks. "Oh and Ryan is at daycare, ill be able to pick him up later, but keep your phone on just in case if the meeting is longer than expected."

"I will, love you and good luck." My parents are busy people and I have nothing but respect for their hard work.

Mom leaves and Evan and I are standing in the kitchen. I continue to go with my Netflix plan and make some popcorn with other random snacks I find in the cabinet.

"Well come on lets go." At first he looks at me weirdly.

"Okay?" He shrugs and follows.

We enter my room and its a bit dark for one in the afternoon. I have black out curtains for days I want to watch Netflix and the sun's being annoying. I hop on my bed with the pile of snacks I carried up here. I look at Evan who is awkwardly standing in the doorway.

"Are you going to come here or just stand there like a weirdo?" I laugh.

I pat the bed then reach for the controller. What to watch? I feel a dip in the bed do to Evan finally sitting down and getting comfortable. I skim through the catagories and find a lot of them boring.

"Alright you pick, I hate surfing through these." I hand him the controller.

"Close your eyes, I want you surprised." I hear him chuckle.

It seems like he already knows what he wants to watch, but why laugh like that?

I hear a bunch of clicking and finally he gives me the okay to open my eyes. The screen is black from being on pause and then be gets more comfortable with a evil grin on his face. I sit in wonder, what could it be? He starts the movie and creepy music plays.

"Wait..." I start to tense up.

It's a scary movie! I hate them so much because I get scared so easily. I try to be as brave as possible for as long as I can.

>>>>>>>•47 mins later•<<<<<<<

This thing chases the camera people then suddenly disappears. I knew they werent safe though, seconds after that the monster climbs out of the window and starts screeching and running at them. I whimper out of fear and hide behind my pillow. I feel something touch my hand and I flinch.

"Dont worry princess, im here. Come on you can get closer." Evan pulls me closer to him.

My face flushes with embarassment. Thunder claps and rings out, I bury my head into Evans chest and hide.

"Hey dont be afraid." He pets my head.

I look up with tears in my eyes and see that the movie is paused. Who knew that a movie could change my viewing on the weather I adored the most? I realize how close I am to Evan and I lean back a bit.

"Hazel, can I tell you something? It might make things weird but I have to say it." He blushes and rubs the back of his neck.

"Oh yeah." Im still a bit shaken up.

Next thing I know he pulls me in and kisses me. My heart rate increases, and I dont resist. I do like Evan, its just I never really thought about this happening or him liking me back. Evan pulls back and looks into my eyes.

"Im sorry, I just.." he's lost at words.

"Evan." I smile and kiss his cheek. "I like you too." I giggle.
After a couple of hours of watching more movies and some gaming on my Xbox, mom and Ryan finally got back home. Mom invites Evan to stay for dinner, and he accepts and thanks her.

Mom and I decided to do steak with mash potatoes, corn, and rolls. My mom is the best cook I enjoy learning from her. I guess you could say my family is perfect, well at least in my eyes. We continue to prep and I start with the mash potatoes. I turn on some music from the early 2000's and both mom and I jam out. We start singing and dancing around the kitchen while making the food.

"Here are my two precious girls." I turn and see Dad laughing at us.

"Daddy!" Ryan runs and hugs his leg.

"Hey Dad." I smile and hug him.

"How was work dear?" My mom gives him a slight peck.

"Busy as always, we closed another deal." He states proudly.

We congradulate him and then Evan walks in. "Hey Mr. Jones." He shakes his hand.

"Ah Evan my boy! Im so glad to see you." Dad just crushes him in a bear hug.

"Alright boys out of the kitchen we need to finish dinner." I command and push them out.

They start protest but I glare at them, dad knows this glare too well. Mom taught me that if you glare at men they'll get scared and listen. Both dads and Evans faces pale and they raise their hands in surrender. I hear mom laugh behind me.

"I see you still remember sweetheart." She giggles.

"Of course, its the power I hold against them." We both laugh.

We make dinner and I go set the table in the dining area. Mom places the food items on the tables. We wait for the tea to finish making so we'll have drinks for everyone.

"So honey what did you and Evan do today?" I freeze up and my face heats up.

"We watched movies and played games...and he kissed me." I look down shyly.

"Really?! Oh my gosh thats so cute!" She gushes.

"Mom stop." I laugh.

"Alright alright, here you go get the boys and ill finish up here." I nods and go to the living room.

I quickly set the dining room table and then walk towards the living room. As I drew closer there was a knock at the door, I check to see who it was and well it is Hunter.


Ah well you're going to have to know what happens next chapter to see what they were talking about. Good or Bad who knows?! With school drawing to an end and graduation getting closer Wattpad will be a daily for me and im pretty excited!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2019 ⏰

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