A squad of U.S. Soldiers were sent to clear out a terrorist cell hide out but it went south fast. the team was caught in an explosion and when the team wakes up they find them selves in Remnant.
My name is Trenton Blade and I am a Captain in the United States Army and I am leading a squad of the best men and women in the Army on a mission to take out a terrorist cell safe house. My squad and I were told to take out a terrorist cell safe house.
Trenton: All right Grimm squad lets come up with a game plan to take out this safe house.
Big C: So Trenton whats the plan?
Trenton: We are going to storm the safe house and kill all of the terrorists in there. We will start from the top and work our way down
Jacqueline: Okay so are we going in a black-hawk?
Trenton: Yes we are going in a black-hawk. Now I want everyone to go preform a final weapons check. MOVE OUT!
As everyone left to go do there weapons check I looked over at the floor plans of the safe-house.
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I decided that we would go in through the roof because there is an easy access point fr the helicopter to hover over while we rappel down to the roof. we will push down through the 2nd floor and clear out, then we will push down to the 1st floor and clear that floor out, and finally we will move down towards the basement and clear it out. I leave the table to go get my weapons and wait for the others to get back to the briefing room.
Still Trenton's POV:
We were in the helicopter on our way to the terrorist safe-house I decided to play some music.(play the song)
James: This is a great song.
Booker: Yeah gets you in the mood to fight some people.
Trenton: It sure does.
Mathew: So Trenton how much longer till we get there?
Trenton: Did you just say that? Dude are you a kid on a car ride.
Mathew: yeah I did because I want to kill some terrorist
Pilot: 1 mike out.
Trenton: all right everyone get ready we are coming! Watch your corners and backs!
We are now hovering over the drop and everyone is repealing down.
(Time-skip because i suck at fight scenes)
We just reached the basement and we see the terrorist leader with a detonator in his hands.
TL: HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! You have all lost! You will all die now! HAHAHAHAHA!
I shoot him in the head and he falls over but the detonator lands on the button and the place is about to blow up. I close my eyes waiting for it to all end. everything goes white and I pass out.
Tminer912: Hey guys I hope you all like the story so far I am going to try and get the next part out in two weeks.
I do have a question for you. Should they join Beacon or Atlas?