sette : chewing gum

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Everyone sat huddled together in a circle, trying to keep each other warm just like penguins would do in blizzards. Knees up close to their chests, Jungkook and Taehyung sat back to back while Hoseok leaned against Jin, who was fast asleep.

The night was dead silent. Nothing but cicadas crying loudly as they combined their vocals with other insects in the night making a calming orchestra of music.

The stars looked particularly brighter tonight than normal. Millions of them shone powerfully, each placed in a specific part of the pitch black universe to portray a glimpse of hope in a world full of negativity.

"Do you think Jimin is up there shining brightly like he always has?"

Being the youngest Jungkook always seemed to view things in a positive way. Almost as if he didn't know the consequences of things. Like there was no way of knowing that bad accidents happen and nothing can change them. Destiny is one of the most stubborn non-existent things there is. 

"The hidden power believed to control future events; fate."

Hoseok glanced at Jungkook taking in the words that came out of the maknae's mouth without hesitaton. Processing his thoughts the male did not think what to say. Hoseok did not believe Jimin was truly gone, or maybe he just did not want to believe it.

"It's been a long day Kookie, why don't you try get some shut-eye, hm?"

Hoseok straightend his limbs to let Jungkook rest his head on Hoseok's muscly thighs.

In the corner where the four boys were seated there were a few missing pieces of wooden planks in the ceiling, making way for the pearly white moon to give its appearance.

No one spoke,  but the room was so loud. 


A ray of warm comforting sunlight moved across the boys' eyelids waking only the eldest.

Jin sat up and looked at his surroundings, brain processing the situation and weirdly enough the smell too. 

It smelled a lot like chewing gum. 


hii sorry for not updating..

here's a small filler chapter for the next one :))

- Ale 

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