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Floating on the whitest of clouds with him. We play, we kiss;we love. There is only perfection and joy. We laugh about nothing and talk about everything. The moment is perfect, never ending. The sky is full of pastel pinks and blues  the most stunning collage anyone could imagine. The stars are out but the sun still shines casting a youthful and joyous glow on all it sees. Yet we float. we talk. we laugh. The beauty and tranquility surrounding us goes unnoticed. Then I see it. The enormous bubbling black and red mass that doesn't sway and float like all else in the world but instead darts and strikes. It got me. I flail. I scream. The wall laughs. A screech of momentous evil leaks from its gaping jaws. In my last moments I feel peace. For why should I worry. I am at last freed. Purity and bliss are a curse for it always ends. In the end all positivity is stolen it is a cruel and never ending cycle that makes room for sadness to take hold. So in my death I find not the fear sadness I feel peace. My time has ended and nothing I do will change it. 

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