Chapter 2

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Third Person Point Of View
This was it. John had cried his goodbyes to Dean and Randy and the two were ready to head to Raws next show. Randy and John shared one last loving kiss as Dean put his things in the trunk and sat inside.

"Alright lovebirds lets go! You guys had plenty of time to smooch last night" Dean called out chuckling, making Randy roll his eyes before kissing John once more and sitting in the front seat.

"Bye you two! I'll miss you both sooo much! Dean don't forget what I said!" John yelled out as the two drove off. John wiped some tears off his cheeks and walked to his car sighing. Everything would go fine for Dean...he just knew it would.
Meanwhile Randy was humming along with the radio, the sound of it gave Dean memories of when Roman would sing while they were driving to their next show together.

"You excited?" Randy questioned Dean raising an eyebrow, finally breaking the silence that had grown between the two.

"I guess..its gonna be weird not being around John." Dean sighed rubbing his face.

"Tell me about it. I don't know how I'm going to survive, I'm barely down the street and I miss him already." Randy groaned and Dean nodded in agreement before changing the subject.

"You know you don't have to let me hang out with your friends right?" Dean said not wanting Randy to feel pressured to have him around.

"Its fine Ambrose, you're a pretty cool dude, I won't mind you hanging out with us." Randy replied reaching over to pat Deans shoulder.

"Alright, but tell me if you feel otherwise." Dean said while stretching. "I can drive if you want, its a pretty long drive we've got, we can split it up."

"Nah its alright i can handle it, drivings always been kinda soothing to me." Randy said shrugging his offer off.

"Suit yourself." Dean said before leaning back while yawning and slowly falling asleep.
The next time Dean woke up it was from Randy shaking his shoulder. Peeking over at him through his eyelids with a somewhat annoyed expression, he stretched and sat up.

"We're here" Was all Randy said before he shuffled out of the car and grabbing his bags. And without another word said, he walked towards the hotel.

Dean followed not long after with his stuff and quickly hurried to get into the elevator with Randy.

By the time they got to their room it pretty very late and Dean was definitely beat. But even though Dean was ready to go to bed, Randy just sat his bags down and announced that he was going to the bar with some friends and questioned if Dean wanted to go.

Though a drink to calm his brain did sound nice, Dean declined his offer before laying into his bed and quickly falling asleep. They had a show tomorrow and he was going to be well-rested for it.
In the morning Dean walked into the raw building quickly being welcomed, first it was by The New Day. Who were as happy and energetic as they were in the ring, and danced around him singing and rejoicing his return. Then it was Enzo and Cass, who may I add only broke up for a storyline that they were forced to do. And Enzo and Cass weren't very happy about it in return.

Dean ended out hanging out with Enzo and Cass for a bit half-listening into them bicker before Roman walked in. It was like his whole world had come to a pause. There was Roman, his perfect hair down, his muscles showing from under his black tank top. He was just overall perfect.

He snapped out of it when Enzos hand was waving in front of his face. Enzo gave him a knowing look before asking him if he was alright which he got a yes to. If Enzo didn't believe him he didn't say it, instead, he just turned back to Cass continuing their conversation/lovers spat.

With Enzo distracted again, Dean looked back over at Roman and saw that he was talking to some of the staff. As if he could sense Deans staring he turned around and gave Dean a warm smile before turning back and continuing his conversation.

That smile alone made Dean grin and look down at his shoes as if they were the most interesting things in the world. Roman made him feel like a lovesick school girl who had just gotten attention from her crush.

However, the good feeling did not last long. Spotting him out of the crowd, Bray Wyatt walked over to Dean to greet him. And though it is true that most superstars don't act the same outside of the ring, Bray Wyatt was not apart of that group. He was creepy whether he was in the ring or not.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please vote and share! Byee!

~Beloved Honey~

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