>be me
>70, act like a 5 year old with autism
>obsessed with money
>grinds for fake money instead
>obsessed with bitcoins
>have skype calls with autistic money hungry people like me
>blame literally anything and everything on my grandson
>oh yeah, speaking of him, he's a complete asshole
>threw a box at me on december 30th, still remember that
>hate most of his stuff
>i also argue with my daughter, 47 years of age
>it's mostly bout money n shit
>my granddaughter is a pain in the ass as well
>not skilled in technology, act autistic when i'm busy with computer stuff
>obsessed with africa
>have 30 y/o "husband"
>wanna live in nigeria, tried to afford a visa
>failed miserably
>should die soon
Reasons Why 2018 Is Shit
Randomi'm currently in a love-hate relationship with the year 2018, so, as a (probably unwanted) gift of gratitude, i present you this. my lovechild of all the anger i've had this year.