×Rain, Rain×

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Chapter 1.
The rain is raining all around,
It falls on the field and tree,
It rains on the umbrellas here,
And on the ships at sea

-Robert Louis Stevenson

Rain pours down making constent tapping noises on the roof tops and creating a silver mist on the streets. Droplets slide down a young girls window. She watches some of the droplets fusing together forming an even bigger droplet, forcing it to slide even faster down the window.

Vivien had always loved the rain, she loved at how quiet it was when it rained; no cars driving by, no other kids laughing and screaming bloody murder outside as they played. Just the soft pitter patter of the rain crashing down on any object it touches.

She also loved splashing in puddles the rain had created. Her mother had said that she could go out once the rain had settled down. But she was starting to get impatient.

She turns around and hops off the small bench in front of her window.

She speed walks into the hall and down the stairs holding onto the railing so she would not fall, her small but fluffy tail hanging behind her as she made her way to the kitchen where her mother was on her computer, trying to finish a book she would soon have to publish.

Vivien stops right next to her mother getting on her tippy toes to look at what her mother was doing. She stumps a bit and looks at her mother with her hopeful mix of lime green and yellow eyes. Her mother glances at her young daughter.

"If you keep your eyes open any longer they'll stay stuck like that, " Her mother states Vivien blinks and thinks for a moment.

"That's not true, kids in my class do it all the time and they can still close their eyes!"

One of her mothers fluffy navy blue ears twitches as she chuckles a bit but keeps her eyes locked on the computer screen and continues to type away at the keys.

"What is it that you want?" She asks

"Can I go outside now?" Vivien asks getting straight to the point

Her mother takes her eyes off the computer and looks out the window to see the pouring rain, "No, it's still pouring," She says as she looks back at her computer starting to tap on the keys at an unnatural rate.

Viviens head lowers in disappointmeant but raises it looking at her mother with a frustrated and confused face.

"How does it rain anyway? Is rain Gods tears? Rain comes from the sky after all. But why does God cry so much? And why is it that I see no one outside when it rains?" Vivien asks walking towards the kitchen window.

"Well, I suppose, I would say it's because it's rude to go outside when he's crying" her mother says as she looks to her side thinking her daughter was still there and looks to the window where her daughter exhales her hot breath revealing her small pointed teath and straces a sad face on the window.

"Well, why?" Vivien says as she walks away from the window and back to her mothers side.

"Because you need to leave him alone to grieve" Her mother says looking back to her computer screen.

"Whats...Gr-rieving?'' Vivien asks having trouble pronounceing the new word her mother had just thought her

"It means your really sad over something'' Her mother says as she gets a bit aggravated that she had just typed what she had just said.

"Why is he sad?'' Vivien asks tilting her head a bit

"Because some people do bad things and it makes him sad'' Her mother says

"But-" "Please I need to concentrate, go draw or play with your toys or something." Her mother says cutting her off.

"Hmph" Vivien walks away with her head and ears lowered. Feeling defeated she walks to her room and sits at her small rounded table in the center of her bedroom.

The table had a small tea set place near the middle with the tea cups placed around it.

Vivien grabs a stuffed giraffe about half the size she was and squeezes it in a hug "Cuddle Mc Katie, if God had you he wouldn't cry so much and he would be happy." Her eyes look down a bit and holds her stuffed giraffe in front of her.

"Than again if he stopped crying there would be no rain and the pretty flowers won't grow anymore so your staying here with me" She says as she brings her stuffed animal into another death hug.

She looks over to her window to see fog blocking her view from the outside world. She stands up her purple locks getting in her face as she does so and walks to her window with her stuffed friend. Successfully climbing on the small bench she wipes a small circle on the window with her the bottom of her yellow and white striped shirt to reveal the puring rain to her.

She rests her head in her small hands looking and the rain, closing her eyes as she opens mouth to yawn.

She looks outside again closeing her eyes once more pressing her forhead on the ice cold window.

"Shh, shh, it's okay there's no need to cry I'm sure those bad people have reasons to do what they did... "



(Art by me)

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(Art by me)

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