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Chapter 2.
A demon she had seen
Burning in the rain
Befriending the thing

While the rain was still making its tapping noises, Vivien was sitting at her small rounded table drawing a picture of a black cat with a purple collar.

Drawing the final touch she drops her crayon and holds the picture in front of her. She smiles with pride as she walks over to her night stand and takes out a green folder out of the drawer and gently places the picture inside.

She freezes in place as her ears start moving around trying to find the sound that had been tapping just a second ago, but finally notices, the rain had stopped. She puts the green folder back in the drawer closing it quickly as she starts speeding down stairs into the kitchen where her mother still sits, typeing.

"MOM! MOM! THE RAIN STOPPED CAN I GO OUTSIDE NOW!?'' Her mother, startled, jumps a bit both her ears and tail shoot straight up in suprise before calming down a bit fixing her glasses that tilted off to the side when she moved.

"Vivien we've talked about yelling in the house. You know how sensitive our hearing is.'' Her mother says flicking her right ear.

"Sorry! Can I go outside now? The rain stopped!" Vivien says in a loud but hushed tone.

"Ugh sure just put on some pants it's still very cold outside" Her mother says referring to the jean shorts Vivien had been wearing.

"Ok!'' Vivien says excitedly running up the stairs and into her room closing the door behind her.

Her mother shakes her head slowly as a smile forms on her face.

Vivien quickly looks through her drawer finding some black leggings and green rain boots.

She quickly unbuttons her shorts, pulling them down and shaking them off her leg.

She struggles to slip on her leggings hopping a bit. Once she finally pulled them on, she pulls her tail through the small hole that had been made specially for her kind.

She grabs the rain boots and pulls them on one by one.

She grabs her yellow raincoat and red scarf and hurries out into the hall and down the stairs.

Before she could grab the door nob she stops and looks over to her mother, who was resting her head on one of her hand and looking at Vivien with tired and intimidateing green eyes.

"Take an umbrella in case it rains again, and if it does come home right away. Ok???'' Her mother says sternly not taking her eyes off of her daughters green and yellow ones.

Vivien never liked it when her mother use that voice it made her want to cry and curl up into a ball.

"Ok mom'' Vivien said trying to keep a steady voice.

"Good. Now go, the rain won't pause forever. '' her mother says breaking eye contact and looking back to her computer screen.

"Okay!'' Vivien says back in her usual cheerful voice as she grabs her small gray unbralla that had been hanging on a coat rack and opens the door feeling a rush of cool air against her face.

"Bye mom!" Vivien yells before rushing out the door closing it behind her.

She runs down the concreek steps and unlocks the metal barred gate rushing out not locking the gate or giving it a second thought.

She jumps off the sidewalk and into the stream that was rushing through the streets of the little town.

Giggles can be heard along with the splashing of water.

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