Chapter 1

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It was a beautiful mid-morning at the Harpercop's household. Out in the big, grassfield backyard was a customary hut Kali had built, with help from her grandpa, for whenever the chickens visited. 

Kali has already had a ton of pets in her life, but the chickens were her favorites. Although she wouldn't just call them her pets, more like companions who'd go anywhere with her, especially Ginger. 

It's no surprise they've been on a few adventures with Kali already. The chickens were even sometimes more superior over Kali's other pets. Not to mention it had been exactly one year after Kali and the chickens had escaped from her evil relatives, the Tweedys. 

Inside, Walter was watching football on the TV. The twins were doing their own thing, when the chickens came up to the door after a flying exercise, waiting for Kali to let them in. 

Thanks to Kali's crystal's powers, it had given the chickens the ability to finally fly for real now. But it didn't just happen overnight, the chickens actually have had to go through training and practice for awhile now in order to get used to the feel of flying. Like Kali said, nothing comes easy, especially if it involved with her crystal's magic. 

Kali opened the sliding glass door, having the chickens come right in to the entrance of the kitchen. Only Ginger, Rocky, and Nobby came in. Nobby of course wanted to stay close by his sister wherever she went. 

"How are the flying exercises going?" Kali asked the three chickens. 

"A bit plodding, but it's coming along nicely" Ginger replied to Kali. "I got three feet off the ground this time"

"Yeah for like three in-a-half seconds" Nobby corrected his big sister, teasing her. 

"It's still an improvement at least" Rocky said, shrugging his shoulders. 

"That's pretty great" Kali replied, smiling to her favorite chicken and best friend, giving her a pat on the head. 

The four of them then came into the kitchen where Kali's mom was at the table. Jane was looking through the mail. Most of them were bills and stuff, until something conspicuous caught her eye. 

"Everyone come in here, I got something to show you!" Jane called the rest of the family, sounding excited. 

Everyone quickly came into the kitchen, even the pets. The other chickens came up by the doorway while Jane opened the letter as the family gathered around to see. 

"What's that Mom?" Ann asked. 

"It says here that we're all invited to the wedding of Laura Burnford and Bob Seaver" Jane announced, before she gasped in excitement. 

"Who's Laura Burnford?" Brock asked, confused.

"My old friend from college, remember?" Jane explained a little to her kids, to refresh their memories. 

"Oh yeah!" Kali and the twins then remember before Kali mentioned to her chickens that she used to play with Laura's kids, Peter, Hope, and Jamie when they were all younger. 

"It's been awhile" Kali sighed, thinking the last time she saw the Burnfords.

"Aye, she must have been a really great friend of yours" Mac said, making conversation with Jane. 

"She has, and still is" Jane replied to the only Scottish hen of the flock. 

"When's the wedding?" Walter asked his wife. 

"Tomorrow" Jane replied. 

"We should totally go" said Ann. "Yeah" Brock agreed with his twin sister. 

Ginger and Rocky's Incredible JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now