Vandalism, a new family, and an announement

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After destroying Michael's car and watching him degrad himself by trying so hard to get Gretchen back my life seemed a little better. But, I had all I needed, my family, friends and my bad boy.

*Three months until my birthday*

I was waiting for David by Damian's graffiti, but it didn't take long for him to come outside. He ran toward me. 

"Did you hear?" he asked between breaths, "Michael started a fight with Damian, there on third floor." 

"Damn it!" I said, "Lets go!" 

We headed for the third floor of the building. Damian has a slight temper, which I wouldn't be trying to make shorter. As we approached the third floor you could hear the cheers of the crowd, and it was clear who was winning. I fought my way through the small circle, to see a brushed Michael and a now shirtless Damian covered in his own, who already wasn't having a good day. Our eyes met and then, I knew that he was throwing the fight. My eyes began to well with tears, and a single tears streamed down my face.

Damian POV

My final class of the day, is over. I was heading outside, until "Hey, Damian can I talk to you?" someone said grabbing my shoulder. 

"I guess." I said turning around, to see Michael. "You're the reason why Gretchen and Radio, won't take me back."

"Well, I know that you hurt Radio, and that will never happen again. But that bitch you call Gretchen, I have no clue." I said. 

"Why are you even going after Radio, she would never go for you." he said angrily. 

"Well, she is my girlfriend so, why wouldn't she?" I asked him. At this point I really wanted to head back to the house with my girl on my bike. 

"Because," he started, "She loves me, you moron." he yelled. 

"Dude, you really need to fix your problem." I said turning to leave. 

As I began to walk away, he grabbed my jacket, "I'm not done talking to you." he yelled. 

"Well, I'm done talking to you." I said to him trying to keep my calm. 

"Well, then were done talking." he said hitting me in the stomach. 

"You're really desperate." I said laughing. 

He kept hitting me in the stomach. 

"Why won't you fight me?" he yelled. 

"Because your mom might want to how and not in the hospital." I said, "But If you want to fight me, let's fight." I took off my jacket and shirt.

He immediately went for me stomach, but that didn't work. I through a few jabs to his face and side. and he tried to copy. Eventually he realized that he was losing so he stabbed me with a pen. I punched him in his face and side again, and again. he was now brushed. In the midst of this fight and the crowd I saw Radio, with a single tears streaming down her beautiful face. I through a final punch to his chest, and he fell, hard. I crouched down next to his face, and whispered 

"How about You stay away from Radio, and me?" he moaned in approval. 

"Good." I said standing back up, and grabbing my book bag, stuffing my jacket and shirt inside. I walked over to Radio, and pulled her away from the crowd. 

We made our way down the stairs, I had us stop on the deserted second floor, "You ok, babe?" I asked her wiping away her tears. She just kept crying. 

"Why did you fight him?" she asked me through her sobs. 

"Hey," I said making her look at me, "I wouldn't have fought him if he wasn't making me angry, you know that." 

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