Life of an invisible

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At school do you see that girl who always keeps her head down, pulls out her book any chance she gets and always says,

"Ya I'm fine," whenever she is asked if she's ok? Well that's me. I'll go ahead and say I'm not fine, but let's start at the beginning. The first day of seventh grade, the year I wanted to be the best year ever. I was going back different maybe too much changed. I truly don't know. I just wanted to be accepted.

I t's six in the morning, I wake up and decide to fake it, maybe I can fool them. I get on the bus dying of a heat stroke, but I'm not gonna take off my jacket I have to hide my wrist

I wake up everyday and tell myself "you're invisible" no one notices your pain and no one ever will"

Everyday drags. I go to school, get bullied, come home and add to the sleeves of cuts on my arms.

I end my nights crying myself to sleep as yell to my best friend on the phone "can I just die". Most nights she calms me done enough to sleep but tonight she didn't answer.

._.Why can't I ._.Where stories live. Discover now