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Now... they were gone... their first stop was Vegas... next was la and than another show in la etc. on their 20th, 40th, 60th, etc stops... me being Daniel girlfriend people knew me and what I look like so whenever I went out I would be stopped and asked for pictures. one time i even had to make a video for a gc, Gun Gang? Gung Gang? I think it was Gung? Idk this sweet girl came up to me though her name was Iris.

*20th tour stop/first time seeing Daniel in a while*
There i was, surrounded by fans, being asked for pictures left and right.
"Hey you guys i cant get a picture with everyone because i need to go see dan-"
TELL HIM -----

So i went into limelight thinking people rushing me would be over but no.. all but one girl rushed me...

I walked up to thr girls and told them to tell Daniel I was not there and I did not like him anymore. and went to the one girl sitting alone.


"Who the fuck even aRe you where did yOu come from just comming in and stealing MY boyfriend"

"Hey hey hey please, we dont need this right now"

this time she stood up ready to fight but before she could do anything securing escorted her and Daniel walked in higging fans. And the girls listened and he looked heartbroken but than i ran up to him and hugged him from behing, turned him around and his face lit up unlike anything ive ever seen before.



*tightest hug of all time*

"I thought you wernt comming
Oh my gosh ive missed you so much this gir- and- ob al- hei-"

"Daniel, breath, ive missed you too. So how has tour been?"

*pulling back from hug*

"Tour has been great! So many people have been asking about you! The fans love you!!"


"Yea! But i love you more-"

AWHHH" -fans

Maybe dating daniel wasnt so bad...
But things were going ~too~ well...

"So uh anything happen on tour"

"Well yea but you promised me something sweet cheeks"

"We'll see Seavey"

"*sigh* k imma go talk with people WHO LOVE AND SUPPORT ME BYE"
"Bye Daniel"

After talking with a few limelights i made my way to Jonah.

*friendly shoulder punch*

"How are ya big ugly rat"

"Im doing well little ugly rat"

After me and jonah made fun of me this 10 year old girl, obviously unaware of who i was attacked me for making fun of Jonah. Oh dear kids these days.

Me and Corbyn talked about space and stuff. Jack me and Zach talked about how real Jachary was. And it was a good first stop. All the boys "slept" on the bus but me and Daniel got a hotel room because ya girl wanted a hot tub baddd.

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