Stay With Me

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Beep! Beep!

I woke to the sound of my alarm bleeping in my ears. Beep! I rolled over on my front tangling myself in the covers at the same time. I reached for my phone taking a few attempts to find it as my head was buried in my soft pillow with no intention of moving. When I found it I reluctantly turned my head to find the 'dismiss' button for my alarm.

Everything was quite. I liked it. All I could hear was my gentle breathing which was slightly muffled by the fact half of my face was still planted on the pillow. I wanted to stay like this forever and not have to think about my new school. Not having to think about the new teachers and new people. Making friends isn't really my strong point so this was going to be a nightmare.

"Fiona!" my mum shouted from downstairs. "Come on. You don't want to be late on your first day do you huh?" Actually I didn't want to go to school in the first place so being late wouldn't affect me in any way. I rolled onto my side and checked my phone for the time. 8:00. This was too early for my liking so I shut my eyes again.

"Fiona!" mum shouted again this time her tone was harsher. I decided to get up and get breakfast. I put on a hoodie and made my way downstairs. As I got to the bottom the mail arrived so I picked it up took it through to the kitchen and passed it to mum who gave me a light kiss on the cheek.

I looked in the fridge and took the apple juice and myself a glass. Then popping some toast into the toaster I asked about the mail as a conversation starter. "Anything exciting?"

"Not really. Just fashion leaflets and junk mail. You know, the usual." mum replied.

I turned to get my toast out as I don't like it too black and well mum does so it was at the highest setting so I don't have to put in for to long. As I got a knife from the drawer and started to butter my toast mum let out a disgusted sigh. "You would of thought they'd know his other address by know. Well they know he doesn't live here and I am not giving it to him."

I carried on with my toast not thinking of him. I didn't want to. Mum threw the letters on the dining table and sighed. She came and gave me hug from behind. I finished making my toast and she let go.

"Sorry love. I shouldn't get worked up like that. After all he is still your dad." She ran her fingers through my brown hair.

"It's ok. It's not like he remembers that he is anyways. I'll see you in a minute" I turned and headed upstairs to get ready eating my toast at the same time. My day was bad enough without dragging my dad into the equation.

Authors Notes:

This is my first ever story and not really sure of where i am going to go with it so any ideas are greatfully accepted. Also if you could please vote that would be great, Hope you enjoy it.

Hannah :)

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