You Can Blame Me For You

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I can sit here
And blame you
For my actions
For droplets of blood
Dripping from my left nostril
But that will do no good
You see i numb the love i once had
It was so close but i could never grasp it
I cant do the whole love thing
The thought of it makes me weak to my knees
My stomach ache
And my heart drop to my feet
I dont know what it was abott you
But you left such a huge mark on me
I want tht piece of me to be forgotten
I dont remember much
But you, i remember every inch
Of your soft skin
Youre curved lip
To the birthmarks on your arms
Every scar, every blemish
Youre eyes how they taunt me when i close mine
Im hainted by your memory
Wish i hope and pray
I get more snow
To frostbite my aching longing heart
For you im a fool
And with that im weak
Ive grown strong enough to stay away
But if you were to come back
Id gladly open my cold bitter body
Let your heat be my sun
Let you move my darkness from above my head
And lift this weight off my chest
That ove been carrying far too long
By myself
I dont want help from another
I want your care
I crave the taste of youre lips
The feel of your skin
I get goosebumps just thinking about you
But do i do the same for you?
When you drive passed a cherished place of ours
Do you think of me?
Do you read our old messages when you feel lonely?
Does the thought of me burn a hole in ur lungs?
Mine do
My lings have become as black as they could be
Cigarettes no longer subside my anxiety
Calm me down or pick me up
Lift me off of this pedestal
Change my mindset, please
Allow me to be free
If this cage i have grown to become so used too
Wheres the key?
I gave it to him long ago
Lost in the mist of it all
Trapped in myself
Now and forever

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2019 ⏰

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