untamed desires

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Bertoldt P.O.V
I got home from work and I saw my boyfriend Reiner sitting on the couch watching TV I smiled at him and he grinned he stood up and embraced me in his strong arms I said "reiner we need to talk" he frowned then we sat down on the couch "what do you want to talk about Berty" a shivere went up my spine "w-well ever since we ummmm w-we" "had sex" I went beet red and nodded "it's getting kind of boring and I was thinking maybe we could spice things up a bit if that's ok with you" he smiled "I thought you'd never ask" I grinned "well are you in the mood right now" I nodded and he picked me up bridal style and he walked up the stairs to our bed room that we shared and he layed me on the bed and got on top of me I did a grin and flipped us over I took out a blind fold and covered his eyes "what are you doing" "spicing things up a bit" when he heard me say that his breath got ragged then I took out handcuffs and handcuffed him to the board of the bed I saw the huge bulge in his pants so I gently unbuttoned his pants and slid them down along with his boxers then his huge cock sprang up I did a sinister grin then I grabbed it and he gasped at the sudden action then I started pumping he arched his back and groaned "b-berty f-faster" I grinned and licked up the sensitive side of his member and flicked the tip with my tounge "AH HA BERTOLDT!!" he moaned I rolled by tounge along the tip he moaned I smirked then I took his member in my mouth and started bobbing my head up and down at a quick pace "ngh..ha bertoldt" I moaned witch sent vibrations threw his member "ahuh Berty" I went faster while moaning on his member he arched his back "NGH AHAH OH BERTOLDT!!" then I felt his warm sticky substance fill my mouth I swallowed it then pulled off with a pop he gasped then I took off the cloth around his eyes and took off his hand cuffs and he immediately flipped us over he attacked my neck and started sucking my sweet spot "ngh reiner" he puled down my boxers and grabbed my waist he slowly pushed in i moaned and he grunted he started at a slow pace i moaned "ngh reiner faster" he picked up his pace then pulled out half way then rammed back into me at a harder and quicker pace i felt him hit my g-spot and i moaned "REINER IM CLOSE" "ME TOO" i reached my end along with reiner i moaned and he groaned he then pulled out and flopped beside me we were both a panting and sweating mess he pulled me close to him and kissed my forehead "i love to berty" "i love you to" he pulled the covers over us and we both fell asleep in each others arms

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2018 ⏰

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untaimed desires: reiner x bertoldtWhere stories live. Discover now