The dream pt 2

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        Ben's dream :

        Anna and I were walking up this paved bridge that was inclined, almost like a hill. I think we were going to the top of the bridge to jump off and kill ourselves...That was how it felt but I wasn't sad. Not at all. The sky was very gray and overcast and she was dressed in all white while i was in all black.We were holding hands and then the song of the unhealing started to play. We were dancing, like in slow motion, spinning around and around numerous times on this bridge. I looked up at her and she smiled at me, touching my cheek. Butterflies invade my stomach as my face burns up from her touch. I'm confused as hell, i truly am. I don't want to ruin this momment. It's..Perfect.

        Neither of us were speaking, just dancing. Our eyes locked and the whole world froze. Well, it seemed like it. We stood perfectly still, Just staring into eachother's eyes. My heart skipped a beat. She's breathtaking.. I stepped a bit closer to her and held her hands. " I..Uh...Anna, I.." jesus just spit it out, Ben! grow some balls. " Hmm, " she paused. "What's up?"  I took a deep breath. " Anna, ive really grown fond of you..We've been though alot. You've seen my bad side and good side, as well as vice versa. You are my world.. Even if i might not express it enough, You should know that I care for you and love you with all my heart. I'll try to always protect you..Always.." her eyes were glistning with unshed tears. I  got on one knee. " What i'm trying to say is.. Anna, will you marry me? "

          She stared at the tiny box in shock as i lifted it up. she didnt speak..just nodded her Head side to side, tears escaping. "Ben, i just don't love you.." I felt my heart drop and shatter into a million peices. So this is how it feels to be rejected by the one you love.. I stood up as the tears escaped my eyes. "i'm so sorry.." she touched my shoulder. Her touch made what was left of my heart ache violently. "don't touch me..."  i moved away. "That's how i felt. Remember that time that you just didn't care? huh? that time that i was madly inlove with you?" she spat, making me face her. " i care now,  though." i growled.  The clouds started to move into circles and the wind picked up. Her hair was blowing  all over the place. "NO YOU DON'T!" she screamed. "WHAT THE FUCK! YES I DO! I CARE ABOUT YOU SO FUCKING MUCH!" i roared, my eyes turning a dark red. "so much.." i almost whispered.

        My hands launched to her throat and i was putting all my strength into it. "B-BEN! STO..OP!"she choaked out, face turnng red. Tears were pouring down her cheeks. "NO! YOU MOTHERFUCKNG LIAR! YOU NEVER LOVED ME! " I yelled in her face. "I-i love yo-you," she coughed out.  "Well, too bad. I fucking hate you." i was in hysterics. I losened my grip on her neck and kissed her. " Goodbye, my love. " I snapped her neck. " What the fuck have i done.." I fell to the ground next to her life less body. "Wake up, baby." I shook her. "come back.." No response. " n-no.." i cried. "i-i Love you.." i sobbed. 

        $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$


vote/ comment, please? :) I'll try to update tomorow ^^


~ lttlemissdrowned_

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