Chapter III - Attraction

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[Akashi's POV]

Interesting, really interesting. L/n Y/n, I'm coming for you...

[Y/n's POV]

After my little chat with Seijuro, students starts to swarm the room. I seated myself in the front row, I waited patiently for our teacher to come.

"Okay class! Student in-charge." The teacher said while setting his stuff down.

"Stand." Seijuro said. "Bow."

The whole classroom followed and greeted the teacher. "Okay class, I will introduce to you all our class President and Vice President. Akashi-san, L/n-san. If you may."

That caught me off-gaurd. How come I became an officer? I looked at Seijuro. And with that I figured that he was the one who made me the Vice President.

Everything went smoothly throughout the day. I became the class Vice President and the student council Vice President. All in account of Seijuro's order. After the day, I immediately took out my phone and dialed Shintaro.

ring~... ring~... ring~...

The ringing continued for a few times until he finally answered. "Hello? Y/n what is it? I'm in a try-out for basketball."

"Shintaro, I told you before always pick up my calls by the first ring." I warned him.

"Ah, gomen. I left my phone in my bag which was on the bleacher." He paused. "So what is it?"

"I was wondering if you could join me to the mall. I wanted to bu-."

"Y/n? Hello? Y/n?! Hello?!" He asked worriedly.


"Ah, Shintaro, don't worry, I will take Y/n to her destination safely."

"A-Akashi? What are you doing with Y/n?" He said a little furious.

"What's wrong with taking my classmate to her desired destination?"

He was holding a scissors to my neck while holding my phone with his other hand. As if I was being hostaged.

"What you are attending Rakuzan too?" Shintaro was furious.

"Now, now, Shintaro. This is just a mere coincidence." He smirked. "Don't get jealous."

"Akashi, I wish to speak with Y/n. Please." Shintaro pleaded.

"Ja, thank you, Shintaro." He hung up.

I secretly dug my hand in my bag and got my swiss knife. I then, pointed it on Seijuro's neck. "I will inform you that I really hate being cut off." I softly brushed my knife on his skin. "And you earned yourself a minus point."

"Are you threatening me, Miss Y/n?" He smirked. "I will be returning this." He handed me my phone back. "Shall we?" He said while directing my sight to his limo.

"I will accept your offer then." I placed my knife back inside my bag and started walking towards his limo.

While venturing around the mall, Seijuro kept on following me from behind. I entered a certain shop and went to a particular section. Board games. While I was searching for a certain board game, everything slipped out of my mind.


"Ah! There it is." I stretched my arm out and grabbed a golden chess set. It's a limited chess set, so I took my chances. I immediately went to the cashier to pay for it. And while I was searching for my wallet, "I will pay for the lady, Miss." Seijuro placed his credit card on the counter.


"And what was that for?" I asked.

"You were taking a long time to retrieve your wallet so, I did what I have to do." He nonchalantly replied.

"Well, then, I will pay you back." I ordered. "And, do not oppose to that."

"Back again with ordering me, huh?"

"Well, Otō-san considered me as an empress. So I can order anyone." I proudly said.

[Akashi's POV]

An empress, huh? Akashi Seijuro, you found your prize. I'm taking it, no matter what.

"What an odd consideration, huh?" I smirked.

[Y/n's POV]

"And what makes you think it's odd?" I grabbed the paper bag. I started walking outside the store. "For I am sure that, I, Y/n, is an empress." I declared.

"Then you shall be my empress." He smirked.

"So are you willing to follow every order I say?"

"That's not what I meant." He said seriously. "Since you are an empress, you must have an emperor."

"Well, I'm still looking. And that is going to be hard." I looked at him in the eye. "I'm still searching, a man who fits my taste."

[Akashi's POV]

Patience, Seijuro. It might take time for you to get the prize. But I am absolute. I will get her.

[Y/n's POV]

"Shall we go find somewhere to eat?" I suggested.

"May I suggest (favorite restaurant)?" He said.

"Nice suggestion. That is my favorite restaurant here in this mall." I smiled.

After that fine meal with Seijuro, Shintaro came to pick me up. Even though Seijuro insisted to drive me back my home, I still took caution. So I called Shintaro to pick me up.

"Y/n, are you fine? What were you trying to buy?" Shintaro worriedly asked.

"Shintaro, I'm not a kid anymore. I just bought the chess set I told you about. No harm done."

"I will not take chances. I promised your family that I will be the one to take you anywhere. For your safety." He sternly said.

"What's wrong with me taking her anywhere then, Shintaro?" Seijuro interrupted.

"Boys, enough talking. Shintaro we're going home." I tapped his chest. "And Seijuro, thank you for the treat." I waved at him. "We'll be off now."

Upon entering Shintaro's car, he immediately asked, "Why didn't you let me tell him about your sickness?"

"Sickness? More like disorder. Plus your mom already said that my tests were okay." I said.

"It says temporarily. And Akashi is most likely one to cause you with wounds!" He strictly said.

"Are you lecturing me Shintaro?" I warned.

"Yes! Even you cut me, I'm doing this to protect you!" That caught me off-gaurd.

"Fine. I will allow you to take me to your mom's clinic." I got myself a make up remover and cotton from my bag and removed a certain spot which revealed a band-aid.

Shintaro's eyes widen. "So he did cut you!" He directed his driver to take them to his mom's clinic.

"It's only a cut Shintaro. Don't fuss about it." Yes, it is only a cut, but caused me a lot of blood.

•—•—•End of Chapter III•—•—•

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