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It's been two months since the two pairs of girls started dating. They're still playing baseball with their friends.

"Hey, what do you think of my new shirt?" Min asked running up to her (sorta) friend. with a white baggy t-shirt that has splats of colors on it.

"When did you get that?" Noelle asked crossing her arms.

"Diya got it for me yesterday." She exclaimed.

"Where is Diya?" Noelle asked.

"I don't know." She answered.

"Where did you last see her?" Noelle questioned.

"Yesterday before I went home," Min answered in her normal loud voice.

"Your no help." She replied, dropping her arms and walking away.

"H,y," Min said, walking behind her. They walked in silence to the classroom.

"Where's akasha?" Min asked as they entered the room.

"She's off being Akarsha." Noelle rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Hay cheesecake... shortcake." Akarsha greeted walking into class with Diya behind her.

"Hey," Min exclaimed offended.

"Hello, you two," Noelle said.

"Diya," Min called hugging her girlfriend.

"Hi, Min," Diya said softly.

Ever since Min and Diya started dating, Minhas has slowly been getting less aggressive. But she's still very protective. Noelle groaned in disappointment as Akarsha continued to act like a child. Diya pulled from the hug and pat Noelle on her shoulder. Noelle looked back at Diya who had a big smile.

At lunch, the four of them sat at a picnic table just outside the cafeteria. Min and Akarsha were acting like kids at a park, running all over the place. Diya and Noelle were eating their lunch in silence. Diya looked over to a pole where Min was looking up. Diya followed her gaze halfway up the pole and saw Akarsha climbing up. Min grabbed onto the pole getting ready to climb up too.

"Min that's dangerous," Diya called.

"Dangerous is my middle name," Min called back beginning her climb. Noelle tries to get Akarsha down.

"Min no," Diya said.

"Fine," Min replied getting off the pole.

"Akarsha, get down," Noelle demanded, walking over to the pole.

"Aww, you worried about me?" Akarsha teased, Noelle blushed.

"No, I just... Just get down." She said avoiding the question.

"Only for your cheesecake," Akarsha said climbing down.

"I said to stop calling me that," Noelle said quietly once Akarsha reached the ground.

"You love it." Akarsha protested.
Noelle blushed a little before turning around.

"Aww, babe." Akarsha gushed hugging Noelle from behind. Noelle leaned into Akarsha's embrace.

"I love you," Akarsha whispered to Noelle.

"I do too," Noelle replied.

"I know," Akarsha responds as she held tightly. Noelle started walking to the other two with Akarsha still holding onto Noelle. Min sat on Diya's lap as Diya held the smaller girl so she didn't run off and do something stupid.

"So cute." Akarsha teased the two. Diya hid her face in min's neck and Min smiled.

"Your one to talk." Min retorted pointing at the two standing beside them.

"Point taken." Akarsha agreed still holding Noelle from behind.

"I'm just happy we're the only people in this area," Noelle said.

Although they are completely okay with themselves. They go to a really strict school where dating is prohibited, and where the LGBT community is hatted on. Also if their parents found out. They'd be Dead. So no one can know their dating.

"It sucks," Min said sadly.

"Yeah. But exciting." Akarsha said looking at the bright side.

"How?" Diya asked looking up at her.

"No pressure." She answered.

"Just us...no one else," Noelle answered too.

"Exactly." Akarsha agreed happily.

The bell went off scaring the four girls making them push each other away. A few fellow schoolmates ran past the four to get inside.

"Let's go," Min called to everyone. The four went inside.

The Struggles of Loveing Her (Butterfly Soup)(book 2)Where stories live. Discover now