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"DONT LEAVE ME!" I shout, making my body tremble, as I sit up. A nightmare? I haven't had any since.. 2nd grade? Or at least, that's how I remember it. Drip. Drip. "Darn it Jungkook. Darn it." I rest my forhead on my palms, letting the tears fall freely. My head's aching, but I need to focus on steadying my breath first.

I squint my eyes, as I let my body be one with the sofa. It's deadly silent in here, giving my apartment a weird feeling.. Could it be, that I'm trapped inside a bubble? No, I can still just barely hear the chirping birds, and the noisy street outside. And why would I be trapped.. That's just silly. Pling. The sudden noise, almost makes me jump of surprisement. And even though I kinda enjoyed being in my own little world, It's about time to break the silence. So I pick up my phone.

[Jiminie: Heya, r u awake yet?]

Ah.. As always, it's Jimin. Park Jimin. Pling.

[Jiminie: Do you know what time it is? It's already 12:49 pm!]

[Kookie: Yea, I'm awake. Why the rush? ]

[Jiminie: Are you serious? Did you drink? You have an audition today!]

Audi- Shoot. If it hadn't been for Jimin, I would've forgotten for sure. I'm usually pretty sharp, when it comes to remembering.. But my oh my, my head's hurting like hell.

[Kookie: Oh, I forgot. Thanks for reminding me~]

I make my way into the kitchen, as I hum a little melody. It's a simple place, so It's not like filled with a variety of food. And it's not like my kitchen's very big. But I do have, what I need to survive.. In other words, a stack of instant noodles, a box of cereal, about 1liter of skimmed milk, a bowl of fruit.. And well, the basics like eggs, sugar and flour. That's about everything I have.
I shrug, not that I'm unhappy about it, but I don't have much of a choice, since I'm on a tight budget anyways. But hey! It's still food, and it's edible.

As usual, I force a glass of water down my throat. It's said to be healthy, kicking your day off with a glass of water. But in this case, it's actually just to help reduce my headache. I let my eyes rest upon the clock, followed by a long yawn. 13:07. I suppose he was right. It is kinda late, yet enough time for me to grab an apple, get dressed and head to Kinkhii Entertainment.

Feeling the breeze against my skin, is already making me feel way better. And luckily, It's not too cold, since I forgot to bring a coat, when I rushed out of the door, just half an hour ago. As the city ahead of me, rises into the air, I start feeling the rush. The rush from realizing, that I'm about to enter a whole new world, fancier than anything I've ever dreamt of.

13:52. Im late. As I expected, the buildings screaming expensive in all possible ways. Whiich makes me regret my choice of clothing, since a lot of people here seems to be dressed very formal compared to me.
The curious mind of mine screams for adventure, but I need to stay strong. Resist. I'm already late which also leaves me with no other choice, but to hurry, grab a number, and get into the audition halls asap.

Tik. Tok. Tik. Tok. Waiting, seems to be taking forever, even though I know that I've been waiting for at most 5 minutes. Sigh. I take a quick glance at the other people in here, everyone must be relatively young.. Expect for a girl in her twenties, and.. The dude staring at me. I think he notices me returning his stare, but our moment is broken by a sudden voice. "2094 Alex Moon?" Is he a foreigner? Oh well.. I shift my glance, back onto the guy. Though he looks my age, I'm sure he has a lot of money, judging on his posture and clothes.. I'm jealoux. I can't even afford anything, that me and Jimin were looking at yesterday.. Which Is why I ended up with this. A simple all-black outfit, consisting of a plain tee and a beanie, matched with my black jeans, small bag and a good ol' pair of sneakers.

The ticklish butterflies in my stomach, gets uncontrollable, when I hear his name get called. "2097 Kim Mingyu?". How I wish I could get a preview, of what was going to happen, behind the closed doors. But what else can I expect from a top company, other than soundproof walls.

"2098 Jeon Jungkook!".
I'm pretty sure my heart just skipped a beat. I'm starting to get nervous. Will I do okay? "That's me" I squeak, as I promptly stands up, almost kicking the chair. And as quick as the man calls me, he dissappears back into the room.
I take a deep breath. Closes my eyes, and starts leading my feet to the door. BuMp. "Sorry" It's the Mingyu guy. "My fault, Sorry." I reply awkwardly, just loud enough for him to hear it. I lower my glance. He greets me a last time, just as I step into the room. "Good luck!" "Thanks."

I'm greeted by the warmest smile, as I enter the room. My eyes widen, as I realize.. It's Lee Ji-eun. IU herself. Is she legit going to be my judge? Oah- I must've been so blind. She even called someone into the room just before.. Why- My thoughts are put on pause, as her calming voice sounds. "Please introduce yourself." Gulp. It's happening. She's really speaking to me. Aicha, focus Kook! I scold myself. "Hello, my name is Jeon Jungkook. I'm 17 years old, and I would like to sing and dance." I smile, hoping that I sounded enthusiastic enough. A dark haired man, probably mid thirties, takes the lead. "Mhm, good then. Can you sing for song for us then?" I nod, carefully watching them scribbling something down onto their papers.
Ba dump. Ba dump. My heart's beating faster than ever. But I have to do it. It's my only chance.

As the music starts playing, it's like everything's falls into place, in a sweet pot of harmony. My voice, the instruments, and the faint voice of IU in my head.
"danhan geoleumdo modgagehae
byeorang ggeute, seoinneun deushi
nan museowo ddeolgo itjiman~"
We don't get a lot of time to sing and dance, So we have to be careful which songs and parts we choose. Which is why I chose IU's song, Lost Child. I've been a fan for as long as I rememeber, so of course she's a cherished person of mine. But if you would've told me just a week ago, that I was going to meet her in person this afternoon? I would never have thought.
I breathe out, allowing myself to feel proud yet relieved. It feels surreal standing here. Standing on the slippery wooden floor, getting blinded by the bright white lights.. Smell of orchids, and breathing the same oxygen. All of this, seems to be too much to take in. So instead I lift my eyes and seek a face of approval. But nothing. Most of them are still scribbling stuff down onto their papers, others  are just whispering and well.. IU? Seems like she's in her own little universe.

The rest of the audition bypasses pretty fast. They ask me to dance, the choreography that I've prepared, continue to write mysterious things down onto their papers, smiles at me a few times and lets IU end it all with a few sentences. "Thank you, Jungkook. We will call and let you know, if we decide to give you a spot!"
Wah. Now that it's over, the only thing left for me to do, is leave with a genuine smile, and thank faith for giving me such an opportunity.

Written: 17/04/2018
Altered: 18/04/2018

Really sorry these chapter are really long-drawn.
Are they boring to read? ><

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