Chapter 1- New Dream, New Mission

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I was trapped, three steel walls blocked any chance of escape as the huge iron ball rolled towards me at a speed that surely defied the laws of physics. I inhaled deeply knowing that my years of training would not fail me. I slowly shut my eyes, I knew that my sense of sight would not be in needed for this obstacle. I listened to the rumbling of the ball patiently waiting for the right moment. My eyes snapped open and in a blink of an eye I leapt like  a gymnast to avoid my death. As I landed perfectly on my feet, the ball smashed through the wall behind me.

"Amateurs" I smirked. That was way too  easy, a feeling of dread and suspicion washed over me as I realized that was only the beginning . Before I could even finish the thought, a scream that could rival the voice of any banshee ripped through the silence.

"Sebastian! Sebastian help me please! ”

I took off like the hounds of hell were nipping at my heels. I needed to find the owner of the voice that was calling out to me. I didn't bother to stop and think if I was heading towards a trap or how the angelic voice knew my name all I cared about was finding her. Somehow I knew she

was important both to the world and to me. But as I ran towards the source, the dark hallway seemed to extend with every step I took. I pushed myself harder willing my legs to keep running. My knees buckled and my lungs constricted as I was nearly at the end. A bright light surrounded my body as the halfway seemed to fade away.

I bolted upright, my body glistened as a thin layer of sweat coated my skin. My breath came out in pants as a tried to get my racing heart under control. I cautiously eyed my surroundings; there seemed to be no sight of the dark hallways where I had frantically searched for the owner of the beautiful voice. There were no steel walls or giant iron balls in sight, just my room.

The clear blue sky was the first this I saw as my glass wall filtered through the sunlight. Every morning I wake up to the calming royal blue walls that dull the fright my dreams usually leave. I sighed as I dug my face I to the royal blue pillows of my California king bed.

'3, 2, 1' I counted off just before my phone rang.

"I have a new mission for you," was the first thing I heard when I answered.

"Jesus, James, good morning to you too."

"Shut up Sebastien, I am in no mood for your childish antics today. Get up and get dressed the details of your assignment is being faxed to you as we speak. I need to to take this one seriously it might be your most difficult task yet. Goodbye."

" Stupid, grumpy old man," I grumbled as I headed towards the fax machine. I wasn't surprised that I had a mission. I usually have those nightmares the night before I get assigned to a new task. I picked up the paper and read through the details.

"Seriously James, highschool!"

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thisismyfirststory!!! I'msoexcited. Ireallyhopeitgetsreads. if you see any punctuation or grammarerrorspointthemoutpleasebecauseI'mnotreallygoodwith those.

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