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Xaxis is one of the oldest Provinces in Hades, Xaxis was the birthplace of the Mining Industry in Hades, and is as such heavily valued by the government.

The Governor is Damian Santora-Fang, and the Capital of Xaxis is Zazara. The population of Xaxis is the 4th most populous Province, with a population that is lower than Gashmaeland, at 12,089,556,125

The Racial Make-up of Xaxis goes as follows

52% are Fiends
44% are Demons
6% are of other races.

The citizens of Xaxis are known for being short, perfect for the cramped mines the average Male stands at 4'8" and the average female stands at 4'2"

There are few criminal charges in Xaxis, Treason, Adultery, Theft and Conspiracy.

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