Chapter 1

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Lilly was looking through her college textbooks to see what she would be learning about that semester when she heard a knock at the door. She got up and straightened out her clothes then she opened the door. A shocked expression was on her face when she saw who it was.

"I'm Miley and I'm your new roommate," Miles said with a smile as she reached out her hand.

"Really?" Lilly said as he pulled Miley into a tight hug. She was almost afraid to let go afraid it was a dream. She had missed her best friend terribly the past few days and almost regretted not getting on the plane to Paris. Then Miley pulled back still holding Lilly's hands.

"You were right, There's gonna be a million concerts, and tours and movies but I only get one chance to go to college with my best friend."

Lilly pulled Miley into another hug. She knew then and there it wasn't just a dream. She wanted to hold on tight and never let go. It was as if she felt complete when Miley was with her. She knew it probably sounded strange but it was true.

"I love you so much," Miley said as she held on tighter to Lilly.

"I know." The tight embrace lasted for a couple of minutes, the happiness radiated off of them just from the smiles on their faces. The only Movement that was made was when Miley used her foot to shut the door. After they pulled away from the hug they both sat on what was now Miley's bed. "How did you get here so quickly? How was Paris?" Lilly asked. There were so many questions and things she needed to know. There were so many things she needed to tell her.

"Oh easy, I just got a jet from Paris to fly here over night and arrive here this mornin'." Miley said matter-of-factly.

Lilly laughed. "Life of being the most popular pop star in the world I guess."

"It has its perks. Honestly though, Paris wasn't that much fun. I stayed in the room mostly," Miley said. Lilly looked at her like she was crazy, everyone loved Paris. Even she loved Paris and she hadn't even been there. Miley noticed the look and took Lilly's hand into hers. "Remember when we were thirteen Lils and I went to that party for Kelly Clarkson without you and I wound up leaving early?" Lilly nodded her head. "I didn't enjoy being in Paris for the same reason I didn't enjoy being at that party. It was no fun without you there."

Lilly smiled and pulled Miley into another hug. It was funny. She missed Miley so much while she was gone and now it was like she needed physical touch to prove that Miley was actually there with her. They sat there and continued to talk to rest of the afternoon until dinner when Lilly's stomach started growling. Miley and Lilly went down to the dining hall to get some dinner. You had choices of different fast food like pizza or Taco Bell. It was like the food court in the mall. Or you could get an actual meal that is like a homemade meal.

Miley and Lilly decided to get some pizza then they sat down at a table and talked. Then Amber and Ashley walked in.

"Oh no, here comes double trouble," Miley said as she took a bite of her pizza.

"Miles, calm down. They probably won't even notice us."

Miley gave her a look of uncertainty. "Lils, it's us. We aren't exactly known for the universe always going our way. Look at the trouble we got into when we were younger."

"Hey, it was you that got us into that trouble Stewart," Lilly said. They laughed as Miley said, "True that is true."

Miley then saw Amber and Ashley spot them. She sunk down in her seat as she said, "Hide me now please." Lilly looked over and saw what Miley was referring to. They were going to come over whether she liked it or not. She was determined though. She knew they only liked Miley because she was famous and she was not going to have these two ruin their night back together. Something took over her as she stood up and went to stand behind Miley's chair.

Liley College Series: Episode 1- SleepwalkingWhere stories live. Discover now