Chapter 7

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It was Saturday night and Miley and Miley were sitting on the couch watching television together. Miley's head was on Lilly's shoulder and Miley had her feet up on the coffee table so that they were in a more comfortable position. Lilly was currently drawing circle's on Miley's belly while Miley had her arm around Lilly and was rubbing Lilly's arm. They were supposed to go back to the college campus tomorrow since classes started Monday. All week, ever since they got together, they have been inseparable. They decided to start sleeping in the same bed every night since they both slept better with the other one by their side. They could feel their love growing and somehow they knew that they would last a long time.

While Lilly was drawing circles on her best friend's belly, she was deep in thought. Last night she had a dream, a dream very similar to the first dream she had. In the dream Lilly saw both Miley and Oliver in a crowd. She walked towards them but this time instead of them drifting away, they stayed right where they were. When Lilly walked up to them, this time Miley gave her a kiss and Oliver gave her a hug. She didn't really know what to make of the dream. All she knew was that in the first dream she felt empty and like things just weren't in the right place but with this dream, she had a sense that everything was as it should be.

Miley looked down at her best friend who had a serious look on her face and she could tell Lilly was deep in thought. She always loved the faces her Lilly made but this one was really cute in her eyes. She gave Lilly kiss on her head then said, "Penny for your thoughts," As Lilly glanced up at her.

"I'm just thinking Miles." Lilly said as she gave her best friend a slight smile. She could tell Miley was looking for a bigger answer than that so she decided to tell her. "Miles, do you remember the first night when you came back from Paris and I was sleepwalking?"

Miley nodded her head giving Lilly permission to tell Miley about the dream. When Lilly was finished telling Miley about both of her dreams, she looked up at her girlfriend and said, "I have no idea what those dreams meant Miley. All I know is that when Oliver was my boyfriend and you were just my best friend, something didn't feel right, something was missing but when you became my girlfriend and Oliver became just my best friend, everything felt complete."

Miley really didn't know what to think of those dreams either but she always believed that your dreams sometimes were meant to tell you something. "I don't know Lils, maybe it's a sign of some kind. Sometimes we probably aren't really supposed to know."

"I guess. I like to think it was a sign that you and I are supposed to be together," Lilly said as she hugged Miley.

"So do I Lils," Miley said with a smile as she held Lilly closer to her. Miley loved little moments like this with her best friend. Before they started dating, they had it all the time but now it seemed different. She couldn't really explain it. Maybe she wasn't meant to but all she knew was that she was happy. When Lilly was dating Oliver, she would always get grossed out when they would kiss or act anything like a couple. At the time she thought it was just the idea of seeing your two best friends acting in a way that you're not used to but now, looking back, she realized that maybe she was jealous. Maybe she was jealous because she wanted to be the one dating Lily and now that she was, nothing seemed to bother her. Except if Oliver did walk up and kiss Lilly now. That would bother her for obvious reasons but she knew that wouldn't happen.

Miley looked back up at the television as she put her cheek on top of Lilly's head, which was now on her shoulder. The news was currently talking about Miley taking a break from her celebrity life in order to go to college. Miley started thinking about when she was Hannah Montana.

"She could be the one, she could be the one, she could be the one," Miley quietly started singing.

Lilly gently rubbed Miley's side and said with humor in her voice, "What are you doing Miles?"

Liley College Series: Episode 1- SleepwalkingWhere stories live. Discover now