Chapter 1

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It was Thursday night and Miley and Lilly had finished their last class for the week since they didn't have any Friday classes. They were now laying on the bed kissing. After a few minutes, Lilly slowly pulled away and said, "Miles, We have a lot of homework to do and we still haven't done our homework from Wednesday."

Miley moved down to Lilly's neck and said, "Lils, we have a three day weekend, it can wait."

Lilly gently but reluctantly took Miley by the arms and pushed her away. "Honey, it's not I'm not enjoying this, we just have a lot to do. Like that three page paper and sixty pages to read for Psychology. We already wasted time hanging out with Emily and Destiny."

Miley and Lilly had been hanging out with Emily and Destiny and eating dinner with them in the dining hall. On Wednesday when Destiny and Emily had asked if they wanted to go to this writing club they had joined, Miley and Lilly agreed to go after Miley had convinced Lilly that they had plenty of time to work on the assignments that were due Monday.

Miley sighed and moved off of Lilly as she said, "Yeah, I guess you're right." She groaned, "I just really don't want to do it."

"I know Miles but we have to. We signed up for the same classes so that we could work together anyway."

Miley nodded and went over to her desk and grabbed her computer then she went and sat next to Lilly on the bed. "Ok, we can start now, I'm just going to check Facebook really quickly." Miley said as she typed in Facebook on her browser.

"Miley," Lilly said with stern voice.

"What? I enabled this new feature so fans could send me a message on Facebook if they wanted to. My publicist taught me how to do that," Miley said. Lilly was of course with her when Miley's publicist walked her through the process but she was just trying to hold off on homework for as long as she could. Lilly knew exactly what Miley was doing since Miley did this same thing in high school.

"Miley, give me that computer, you will never get any work done," Lilly said as she grabbed onto the sides of the laptop, blocking Miley from the keyboard.

"Lilly! We have time. We have all weekend."

"Yes, until Emily and Destiny call wanting to hang out and you decide to procrastinate longer and we go with them," Lilly said raising her voice. "Miley, don't turn into Jackson!" Lilly exclaimed, knowing that would get Miley's attention. If there was anyone she didn't want to be like, it was her brother.

Miley turned to Lilly with a blank expression and said, "I am not like Jackson!"

"Miles, I don't want to argue with you. Come on, we have five classes and a three day weekend. Four days if you count the afternoons on Thursday's. We can do the homework for a class each day taking one of those days and doing two classes worth of homework. It won't be that bad," Lilly said trying to think of a strategy to help them get through homework so that they could at least have a little bit of a social life.

"Ok," Miley mumbled, obviously losing the argument. Just like in high school, she always lost the arguments. Miley would try to procrastinate with Lilly getting her back on track.

"Ok, let's see, we only have five pages to read for speech class and then we only have fifteen pages to read for Music Appreciation. We can work on those first," Lilly said as she got up and went over to get their backpacks that were lying by the door. She took out their speech books and Music Appreciation books. Miley closed her laptop and put it back on her desk. They sat at their desks as they pulled out their notes and started working.

Right when they finished their speech reading, Miley closed her book and said, "Study break! Come on Lils, let's go get a snack."

"Ok but after we get back do you promise that we get back to studying?" Lilly asked as she got up and walked up to Miley.

Episode 2: The Procrastination of My LifeWhere stories live. Discover now