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Neil and I had been friends ever since I was born. Literally. Our moms were best friends and were always together. Even before I go to Neil, let's start with me.
My name is Dela Furaha. My name in Swahili means happiness. Quite ironic because anyone who knows me knows that my life is a far cry from happiness. I come from a relatively normal family of my two siblings:elder sister, younger brother.
My mom and my dad were divorced but recently got back together
I'm about 5'7, jet black curly hair and brown eyes. I have very few friends not that I'm anti social or anything just too lazy to make friends. Which brings me to Neil. Neil had been one of my closest friends until one holiday trip to a beach somewhere, he confessed he had always liked me. Being the naïve little girl I was, I was over the moon. He asked to be my boyfriend and I immediately accepted. He was the perfect guy:tall,  nice, best smile in the world that makes my knees buckle every time and best of all, he seemed to genuinely care about me.
He was the perfect guy for  teenager me
One day he texted me and said he wanted a date. I was so happy. I called my best friend Maggie and told her all about it.
She was extremely happy

ll she had ever wanted for me was a guy who loved me and after my description she was more in love with niel than me.
We were in my room:clothes all over the floor me on my bed on the verge of tears
"Heeey, Dela its OK were going to find something to wear "
She said in a voice that wasn't at all convincing
"Why don't we check your sisters wardrobe"
"She's going to kill me. You know how that bitch is, she's psycho"

I heard a knock on our door
"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck"
Not now. He was supposed to be here two hours later. Wait its already two hours later. How fast did this time move. I look at Maggie and she's digging through my clothes. She throws a pair of jeans. Grey ones and a cute crop top.
"I can't wear this"
"Why! "
I knowingly point at my chest. Some people say I have a great rack but I'm usually so self conscious about my chest and Maggie knows it. I hate it because at times I usually think that's what boys want in me not the me me. Yeah it sounds cliche and shit but it's so annoying and everywhere you go guys are just staring at your boobs. You can't even walk straight.
Maggie rolls her eyes "you'll look amazing stop being so insecure"
I'm about to start an argument when somebody knocks on my bedroom door
"Hey Dela can you hurry up you're delaying Mr onnus"
I can literally see my moms anger through the door. Mom thinks me and Melanie 'psycho bitch sister' are going for a week long sleep over at our favourite family friends. Neil's twin sister Naila was Melanie's bestfriend. How convient right? Wrong. Those two hated the thought of me and Neils dating for some bizzare reason and its a wonder Melanie agreed with my plan. But miracles do happen.
I went to the bathroom dressed up and found boots that Maggie had picked out for me. I had to admit I did look a bit good. OK maybe a lot good. If either me or Maggie knew how to do makeup I would have it on but we both don't so I quickly applied some lipstick and mascara the only two pieces of makeup I have.
I grab the travel bag I had packed and a sweater.
"Hey Maggie let's go. You can't sleep in my house you cow"
She gets off the floor and follows me to the living room. We get in and find niel, niala, Melanie and my mom seated laughing over something Neil had said. Neil stands up and kisses my cheek. "Hey Dela, you look beautiful. "
He whispered so that I was the only one who heard. I literally saw Melanie and naila roll their eyes. Unlike other 16 (turning 17 in a month)year olds I'm not allowed to date AT ALL. My mom would literally see me with ANY and she would throw me the stink eye.
"So, you ready to go? Dads waiting in the car"
His deep smooth voice broke the sudden awkward silence that was in the room
"Yeah, before we go I would like you to meet my bestfriend, Maggie"
"Its a pleasure Maggie"
He stretched out his hand and greeted her. I literally saw Maggie melt in a puddle at his feet. She was just seconds away from asking Neil to rape her consensuosly. Yes I know my friend that well
"So......we better start going. OK? "
"Bye Maggie" Niels quietly told her"were off Mrs H"
My mom came into the room with a bag in her hand.
"Dela this is yours. I know how youre always forgetting things and I don't want any phone calls from you telling me you want this and I should bring you that"
Oh my globs of all the days mom chose to be embarrassing it had to be today with my crush, scratch that, boyfriend in the same room.
I took the bag and quickly said goodbye. Neils said goodbye to my mother and followed me to the car
"Hey Dela, I hope its OK but I brought along my own car so we can go together and the rest will follow in my dads car"
<happy dance happy dance happy dance happy dance happy dance happy dance>
I tried my best to look cool and I leaned against the car but it seems the car had just been waxed because my hand slid immediately and I stumbled and fell. Neil was already on the ground with me and he was laughing so hard
Ground open up and swallow me.
He helped me up and opened the door for me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2019 ⏰

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