Crater in the field.

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You were.. normal. Average, loving family. Decent life. Nice group of friends. 

At the current moment, you were just home. It was a Saturday, a chilly one at that. You decided to stay inside. You hated the cold. Any form of it was death. "____! I need you to unload the dishwasher!" Your dad called from the kitchen. With a dramatic sigh, you got out of the cave made of blankets on your bed, exited your room, and walked down the stairs.  "Alright." Your dad chuckled. He knew you liked your little cave, he knew you better than you knew you. 

Seeing as your mom was at the store right now, it was just you, your dad, and your snake. Yes, snake. She was a ball python, timid as usual. She was normally in a large enclosure but right now she was on the coffee table in a dog bed, balled up, probably sleeping.

Your dad was making dinner and from the smell, it was chicken and rice. "Unloadeth the dishwasher, oh child." He said with a dramatic tone, messing around with you. "Yes, oh father, tis my duty as the youngest in the household!" you laughed, putting your hand on your chest for a moment. So, you opened the dishwasher and started to unload it. As usual you were putting cups away when a certain cup caught your eye.

It was a plastic one from when you were younger. It has Sonic and Shadow on it, clearly based off of Sonic Adventure 2. You smiled a bit and put it in the cabinet. After about 10 minutes, you were done. "Finished." You mumbled sleepily as you were heading for the stairs. But of course your dad had to say something. "Have you looked on Facebook lately?" "...No. I barely ever use it." You deadpanned. "Point taken," he shrugged, "Anyways. There was a crater about the size of your room found a couple miles away.  I was wondering if you wanted to go look at it later? Cause you never know-" "Dad, don't." "-it miiiiight be your little game crush~" he teased. He was referring to Shadow the Hedgehog.

You turned and looked at him like he grew two heads. "You. Don't even. Go there." You warned. He took this as an opportunity. "What? I remember you having theories, detailed ones, about how he might end up here. They were pretty advanced for your age. It's not every day a ten year old kid makes a theory about parallel universes collapsing together and making a time-space paradox." Now that was a good point. You sighed and shrugged. "Sure, after my nap. I don't wanna fall asleep calculating how long it might take him to get here, after all." You joked.

"It's only 3, so you better not take a four hour nap-" "Too late!" you muttered before booking it for your room. Ah yes, time for a nap.


It had only been an hour since you went to sleep, but now you were being shaken awake by someone. "oooooohhhh kiddooooo." Mom. It was mom. You opened your eyes and looked at her. Her signature hair color, same as yours, was the first thing you noticed. It was now a bob cut. "Got a hair cut?" you mumbled, half awake. She nodded and ripped away your blankets. "Get up you lil' nugget!" "mOM IT'S COLD PUT THE CAVE BACK-" She laughed and let you 'freeze'.

Too bad she didn't let you change out of your sweatpants and shirt. "We're gonna go look at that crater!" She beamed. It was clear she was doing this for you. Next thing you know you were in the car.


You had been at the crater, baffled, for about half an hour now. In the center of it was a symbol. The symbol of Shadow. Your parents didn't recognize it but you sure as hell did. You took a picture with your phone, ready to show the police. Well, no. You were sure that your old theory is true. "Collapsing dimensions.." you mumbled to yourself. "Mom, I have to work on something at home. Can we go now?" You asked, many thoughts running through your mind. "Oh! Sure honey. Adam, it's time to go! ____ has something to work on." So, both of your parents went to the car with you. They sat in the front, you in the back.

Through the whole ten minutes, you were texting your best friend, Max. She was texting back in no time. Both of you were discussing how there might be a space-time phenomenon. But as soon as you got home, you got an uneasy feeling. 


aaaa i hope you liked the first chapterrrr

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2018 ⏰

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