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UPDATE: The Europeans seems to rightfully have realised our strength as their first move was to attempt to conquer our uplink cluster in ISTRA. Of course they could not stand the might of the Motherland's finest. While they did put up a fight worthy of their praise... they died. 

BRIEFING: The Motherland has successfully defended an uplink cluster located in ISTRA and through that victory gained an foothold in eastern-central Europe from which to continue the "common" invasion of the European Federation. 

Meanwhile, the US has invaded Portugal and is continuing their invasion through Spain while probably headed for the UK and Paris.

The European Federation is getting it, excuse my language, up their collective arse.

EXPECTATIONS: I do expect the US to atleast get an foothold in Spain before being repelled by the EF due to their number of air/ground bases near Germany and France which makes for excellent defensive supports. I do also expect the EF to put up an greater fight in these coming battles as they have an great number of airbases in the central EF (as mentioned before). But I do not expect my forces to experience any crushing defeats just yet. 

PLANS: I plan to invade a bit into the EF in order to secure myself from any flanking attacks in my coming invasion of the US... 

Signed, Col. Aleksandr Kurochnik of the 56th Airborne.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2012 ⏰

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