Day 0

11 1 0

Michael wasnt your average guy. 

Yeah, yeah,
He knew that from a young age. But what really started to make him wonder, was the fact he caught feelings for someone. 

He knew it was normal for boys in highschool to grow up , experience feelings, all physical, emotional, romantic, sensual...

But what Michael never expected was for all of those feelings to belong to one kid who went to his high school. 

And his name was Jared Spiker.
Was Spiker his last name? Or was it a simple nickname that people called him because once, in his freshmen year of high school, he was the first to spike the punch at the party?

Michael personally didnt know, being the anxious wreck he is, nor did he want to find out.
All he knew was that he had the biggest crush on the semi-popular class clown of Senior year.
And he would do anything to get over his emotions. 


''Watch where the fuck youre going, Flower Boy !!''

'' S-Sorry!! 


Michaels head was hung down low as he made his way to his locker. His bookbag was slung loosely over his shoulder, but when he started to see more and more children come out into the hallway, He very quickly decided to hold his bookbag close to himself, to avoid bumping into others. He let out a small groan as he reached his locker. A marker of some form, probably some off brand sharpie, had been taken to his locker. The words written in bold, yet sloppy letters spelled out ''Flower Boy'', with small words off to the side, such as ''Homo'' ''Freak'' ''Geek'' surrounding it, each in their own small, non distinguishable but clearly different hand writing. 

Michael looked over at the group of students looking at him, like he was supposed to do something. What, did they want him to start bawling his eyes out and run off to the bathroom? Did they want Jared to find him, and allow him to curl up in his arms, when he suddenly cuts him off with a kiss? Do they want jared to pull some sappy, of im had a crush on you all my life, ive just been too scared to tell you!!! ' Bullshit, when in reality, no one at this school knew his name besides the teachers (they probably only knew it because it was on their attendance sheet), and maybe one or two, three at best , quiet kids in the front of the class who pay attention to his small ''Here'' during role call. 

Taking one glance back at the group of kids, Michael shook his head. He wasnt going to give them a big reaction, 
In fact? He didnt plan on giving them a reaction at all. Why give them the satisfaction, his mother always used to say. For once, he was listening to her. 

A few years too late, he thought to himself. His mother had passed away a few years prior, due to complications from surgery. He missed her smile, he missed her cooking, Hell, He even missed her calling Michael her 'Flower Boy' or 'Flower Child', Simply because when he was younger, he used to make flower crowns for her. 

Michael let out a small pitiful laugh, as he looked at the kids for the last time. He opened up his locker, and slid one of his books into it. Hey, at least he had lunch next, right?
no one to sit next to.

He nearly slammed his locker as he started to make his way to the cafeteria. Lost in his thoughts, he didnt realize he slammed into someone else, until it was too late. The other boy seemed to be able to move out of the way in time so that he didnt fall, but for Michael? He wasnt as lucky. 

Mumbling out a few unsharable swears, he looked up. For half a second, he thought he saw the face of Jared in the crowd, looking down at himself and whomever he ran into. 

The angry face of the blond boy, Dirk, (probably the person he ran into)  looked down at him in mild disgust.

''Watch where the fuck youre going, Flower Boy !!''

'' S-Sorry!! 
Sorry? Really? Michael almost scoffed at himself, realizing how pathetic he sounded once more. He heard the footsteps of the other boy walk away, 
well, at least he knew that dirk /was/ the person he ran into. 

A hand was reached out infront of his face. Michael almost fell backwards once more, before he realized the person was attempting to help him up. 

Oh let me guess, this is the part when i find out that im straight, because of this super pretty Christian new girl who helps me up , right? Michael thought to himself sarcastically. 

He grabbed the hand, and allowed himself to be pulled up. Only then did he realize who it was.

''Oh fuck me.'' he muttered, looking into the eyes of Jared. Said boy opened his mouth to say something, before Michael let out an illegible sound, followed by ''g-gotta go bye-'' rushed out as quick as humanly possible. Quite litterally running out of the school building, with his face burning red, he made his way to his dads old, beat up car. 

Once he sat in, he slammed his head against the steering wheel. ''fuck me?? is that all i have to say for myself when i see a cute guy?'' He exclaimed in self anger. ''I-I cant go back in there.. everyone saw that.. there all going to laugh and think im gayer than i already am!! Oh god.. Im totally fucked!'' He cried out in frustration. 

Michael let out a small sigh. It was okay- and hey, if it wasnt okay right then? it would be okay some other day. It was fine. 

... or at least
He would keep telling himself that.

And like that, Michael was driving off to his house, most likely to play video games and mess around on his laptop and phone. 

Though, what he didnt know, was that the next 100 days were going to be literal hell. 
And if he didnt get jared to fall for him within those 100 days?
well, in his words

He was totally fucked


//Hey !! this is the first chapter to my story, ''100 days to say i love you'' ! i hope you guys like this mini intro to the book. 
 - Mason_Jar - //

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