Chapter 7

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Craig's Pov

I woke up feeling like absolute shit. I felt like every part of my body just shut down and I felt like I was thrown into the sun. I try to get of bed but just failed miserably and fell on the floor with a thud. I felt like I wanted to give up on life right now. I used my nightstand to give me support and then walk along the walls.

As I open the door I smell delicious smells of food downstairs. I remember that my mom doesn't go to work today untill 10 o'clock so I thought she would be able to help me.

I walk down the stairs slowly to try not to trip and fall. Once I successfully walked down the stairs, my next mission was the kitchen. I walked along the backside of the living room and follow the wall to the opening of the kitchen of which I see my mom cooking something.

I walk slowly to the counter and once I reached it I hold on to it and luckily talked.

"Mom, I feel horrible."

That was probably the most quiet I've been in while. Lucky, she turned around.

"If you feel bad lay on the couch and ill be there in a while okay?"

"Okay..." I replied quietly.

I start making my way to the couch trying not fall on the wood floor. Once I got to the couch on threw myself on it and I felt like I could just pass out right there and then. I heard my mom turn of the stove and she grab a few things.

She grabbed pills, water, and a temperature stick. She walked over to me and sat near my head. She put the pills and glass of water on the coffee table. She said,

"Open wide." I opened my mouth and she put the temperature stick in.

After she was done measuring the temperature, she was worried.

"My god, your burning up, its at 104 degrees!" She ran to the kitchen and what I could see she brings an ice pack.

She helped up the stairs and let me rest into my bed.

"Okay, wait here while ill go get the the pills and water, keep the ice pack to your forehead okay?" I just nod in reply while my mom starts to walk out the door.

After a few seconds she comes back up and places the the cup of water on my nightstand. She hands one pill and the water to help ease it down. My mom says,

"Okay, you rest while I go to work, understand?"

I hum in reply.

She starts to walk downstairs and heard her walk around until I heard the door close.

Since, I feel like shit I decide to sleep into a restful... Dark... Sleep...


I woke up with groan as I saw darkness surrounding me as a bit of light crept though my binds on the window behind me. I decide to check the time on my alarm.


I got up to sit on my bed very slowly. I got my phone and check my notifications. I got texts from Delirious and decide to reply and hope he doesn't get in trouble by his teacher.

Dude, where are you?

Hello? You there?

If don't fucking reply ill stick your head in the toilet tomorrow!


Am here dipshit.

Bitch, where are you?

At home being sick af.

Thats your fault.

Hows that my fault?

You weren't taking care of yourself properly.

Fine but I probably won't be here tomorrow.

Aww! I don't want Tyler bugging me about him saying, 'Oh! Is Craig okay?' 'Text him faster!' ' What if he's not okay?!' Its annoying dude!

Ha! Well to bad because you got to deal with him another day.


I got to go, my teacher is giving me a death glare, See ya.

See ya!

I laugh a bit and put my phone back on my nightstand and stand up, at least my body didn't feel as bad as it was in the morning. I walk down the stairs and I went to grab a quick snack in the refrigerator. I grab a pack full of ice cream and went to the couch.

I grab the remote and watched a random show i put on untill some time around 7.

I heard the door knob move side to side and revealed my mom walking in.

"Hi Honey, feeling any better?"

"Yeah, I feel a lot more better." She nodded and walked into the kitchen after putting her keys on the counter.

"Want any thing for dinner?"

I think for a bit in till I finally made up my mind.

"Uhh do we have macaroni?"

"Yes we do."

After watching the random show for like two minutes I spoke up

"Hey mom, can I stay home tommorow?"

"Absolutely not!" She says with a stern voice. So I brided her.

"Come on mom! Ill do anything!"

She went queit for a few seconds in till she come around the corner and leaned on the wall.

"Fine, in the morning there will be a sticky note on the refrigerator and I expect those things to be finished before I come back home!" I swished my tail back and forth in excitement and yelled.

"Thank you so much!"

She nodded and went back to the kitchen to continue my meal. After I ate I went up stairs, finished my homework, and stripped to my boxers and feel into a deep slumber...

954 words

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