Chapter 1

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"That drawing is really good" I hear through my earbuds. I look to the seat beside me and see a blue eyed guy with light brown hair. I follow his eyes to my notebook in front of me. I must've zoned out because i didn't recognize the person I drew. That can happen on an 8 hour flight.

"Oh um, thanks. I'm Andi." I say extending  my hand.

"I'm Calvin" he replies in his British accent, shaking my hand. "So are you drawing someone in particular?"

I take a long look at my drawing. It was a girl with long dark hair blowing in her face. Even if I knew what or who it was I was drawing, you couldn't see her facial features at all.

"I don't think so. I think I just let my hand do what it wanted to be honest with you." I check the time on my phone. The plane should be landing here soon. Hopefully my brother isn't late to the airport.

"My brain runs on quite a bit too. What brings you to London?" Calvin asks looking down at his phone. He seemed a few years older than me. At least 25.

"I'm actually staying with my brother. He's lived here for a few years. Do you live in London?" I ask

"I do right now. I was born in Brighton though. I'm an agent, my client lives in London so it comes with the job. He says looking at his phone. My brother is an agent too. A struggling one.

The plane lands about thirty minutes later. I get up and say my goodbyes to Calvin. I see my brother Wilson across the airport. His platinum blonde stands out everywhere. He's fairly tall too, about 6'2. I start walking down towards him and see he's on the phone. He's pissed about something.

"I'm tired of it! The lengths I go through for you and you're leaving me? Yeah okay well good luck getting any kind of career without me!" I stand there just looking at him. He hangs up the phone and notices me.

"Andi! I'm so glad you're here!" He hugs me. He glances at his phone then back up at me. "Sorry about that. Clients get tough. I'm progressing though, the market is pretty fresh in London."He says, grabbing my luggage.

We drive to a coffee shop. Wilson says it's pretty close to his place. The coffee shop is called "Windjammer".

As we park, I hear singing inside. "Do they have live entertainment here?" I ask, turning to Wilson. "Um, yeah, yeah some people play little gigs here." he says, his full attention still on his phone.

I walk inside to find the voice. It was a beautiful voice. She was singing a song i'd never heard before.

"He calls me the devil
I make him wanna sin
Every time I knock
He can't help but let me in"

Her voice was deep and her accent peaked through just enough to notice it. I saw her standing on a wooden platform in the back of the room. She was stunning. She had dark brown hair about a little past her shoulders and brown eyes. I stood in the middle of the floor and just admired her and her singing.

"Cause I'm hot like hell
Does it burn when i'm not there?
When your by yourself
Am I the answer to your prayers?"

She moved back and forth to her music, and never stepped out of rhythm. Our eyes met for a split second. She looked up from me, perking a grin.

I smiled back at her, arms at my chest. She was definitely prettier than any girl I had seen in Texas.

"Andi! Come on and order already!" I turn to see my brother at the counter waiting for me.

"Double chocolate chip cappuccino!" I yell back. I find a spot to sit, close to the front. She looks at me as I sit and just continues to sing, never stumbling, never even running out of breath. It was amazing.

Wilson sits next to me, kind of mesmerized too. I look at him. "She's amazing isn't she?" I ask him. He looks at her, really focusing. "I can't believe I... I'm an idiot, I am such an idiot!" He says almost yelling. The singing continues but comes with a few stares. The mood of the song changes a bit. This girl really felt what she was saying.

I look at Wilson, a bit confused. "What are you talking about?" He puts his face in his hands. I put my hand on his back, awkwardly trying to comfort him. "You okay buddy?" I ask.

He looks up at me, and sighs. "I let her go. She could've literally made me and I let her go. I have to get her back Andi, I don't really have a choice." He admits. I look from Wilson to the girl on the stage, how did he even get the chance to manage her?

"Andi you have to do the thing! Maybe she'll listen to you with your charm and stuff!" He lights up. I look at him, taken aback. The song ends and i start walking up to this girl. She sees me almost immediately and walks toward me.

"You were absolutely amazing! I'm Andi." I hold out my hand. She looks at me and laughs lightly. She puts her finger on my hand and pushes it down.

"Shaking hands is boring. Not all English people are super proper y'know." Her accent was cute. It was very british but still adorable. She hugs me and I'm surprised, but I try to play it off.

"I'm Dua. So you're new to London?" She asks. Do I tell her my brother is a failing agent that she should sign for?

"Yeah I actually came here straight from the airport. I'm staying with my br-" I'm cut off as Dua is twirled and kissed in front of me. She giggles through her teeth as a guy hugs her from behind. As he looks up, I realize the rude man is Calvin. The agent from the plane.

"Oh you're....Brittney! From the plane right?" he says, obviously drunk. Didn't this dude just get off an 8 your flight? I almost open my mouth to correct him before Dua beats me to it.

"Her name is Andi, and you're obviously drunk." She says pushing him away. She looks back to me. "Can I use your phone? I have to call someone and mine is dead." she asks. I take out my phone willingly and she typed in a number. A nearby phone rings. Dua pulls her phone from her pocket and puts it to her ear. "Thanks love!" She smiles at me before giving my phone back and leaving Windjammer. She just gave me her number.

"Andi what happened?" Wilson asks from over my shoulder. I look at my phone smiling.

"I just got charmed."

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