Lexi:Yay!behind the scenes!
Me:I-I have never been behind the scenes before
Lexi:you aren't scared aren't you?
Me:of course I am!
Me:cause-cause(Brett comes behind Me, shushes Lexi)
Lexi:(nods yes)
Brett:(takes off his ripped shirt behind Me)
Lexi:O_O (faints)
Me:-_^ are you ok?
Lexi:(wakes up)yeah, yeah.I'm fine
Brett:(shushes Lexi again, leaves)
Me:(looks back)uh, Lexi?
Me:why did you pass out?
Lexi:cause, I-I-I.......
Lexi:for fun!(runs off)
(everyone asleep except Sofia and Lloyd)
Lloyd:do I have to do this?
Sofia:it's a dare!
Lloyd:whatever(goes to Me)
Sofia:do it!
Lloyd:Nicky, if you find out that I did this, I blame Sofia
Lloyd:ha ha.(goes to Me, kisses Me, then puts a note on Me)
Sofia:yay!let's go to bed now
Lloyd:good(they leave)
hope you enjoyed!bye!
bt dubs, as in the story, Brett had to take off his shirt behind Nicky's back, and Lloyd had to kiss her and put a secret note on her back