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After speaking with Optimus for a short while, Cade left him to rest. They'd agreed to some terms of the Prime taking sanctuary with them.

Optimus had to promise not to harm him, Tessa or Lucas, not to leave the barn in his bipedal mode, and not to tell anybody who he really was.

And in return, Cade promised that he would fix Optimus' alt mode, to allow him to recover and leave of his own free will once he was healed, and not to tell anybody that Optimus was there, or who he really was.

Lucas was still reluctant to the idea of having a Transformer stay, but Cade had silenced him over it. Tessa was a lot more accepting of it.

A day passed, and Optimus was still resting on the couch. He was stronger now, just by a little. Cade had leant him some clothes as his were basically destroyed. He could sit up and occupied himself with reading when he wasn't sleeping.

Unfortunately, the only reading material available were Tessa's magazines about boys, dating and girl stuff. The Prime raised a brow at some of the content, but continued reading out of boredom and strange interest. "My, the human customs for courtship are strange.."

Tessa came into the living room carrying a armful of schoolbooks but paused when she saw Optimus awake. She wasn't scared of him, but was slightly wary of him because of his outburst when he'd first transformed before them.

Optimus glanced up from his magazine at her and gave her a gentle look. "I will not harm you, young one. Please don't allow my presence to stop you coming in here."

Tessa nodded and sat on the armchair next to the couch, opening a writing book and holding a pen. Optimus went back to reading, until he glanced back up at Tessa and saw that she seemed to be stuck on what she was doing.

He frowned. "Are you alright?"

Tessa looked over at him, biting her lip and tapping the pen on the page. "Yeah, just stuck on this stupid maths question."

Optimus nodded in understanding. "What is it?"

"Algebraic long division." Tessa said in distaste.

Optimus hummed and held his hand out for the book. "May I see?"

Tessa went over and handed him the book, which he took and started reading the question thoroughly, staying quiet for a few moments before carefully taking the pen from Tessa's hand and scribbling down a formula on the page. "This will help you to complete the questions." He said and gave her back the book with a small smile.

Tessa took it and looked at what he'd done, looking surprised as to how he knew that. "How'd you remember all that?"

Optimus shrugged. "I'm a Robotic Organism. I calculated it."

Tessa nodded and glanced down at the book, then back at him. "Can you talk me through it?" She asked with a small smile.

In response, Optimus smiled more and grunted as he moved into a sitting position, moving his legs to make room for him to sit. Tessa took a seat beside him and he helped her through the rest of her maths homework. Then when they'd finished that, she got him to help with English and Science as well.

Tessa was now very happy about having Optimus Prime staying as a houseguest. A very helpful houseguest in fact.


Nice helpful Prime XD

My Housemate, Orion//Transformers: Age of Extinction AU//Where stories live. Discover now