"Never surrender myself to you?" "Stay away from me or I'll make you?"
What the eef?
Is this guy even human? Everything he said sounded like a bigass jigsaw puzzle to me. I sighed as I walked through the corridor, still breathing heavily. I couldn't forget the way his cold fingers touched my bare skin, and the tingling sensation never subsided.
I felt a finger gently tap my back, and for a split second I thought it was Yoongi. I turned around real slow, not wanting to meet this eyes but eventually did. It was Jimin.
"Hey, you came to meet me?" He asked, with his warm, baby-like smile. It felt so good being next to him, quite contrary to being even five feet away from Yoongi.
"Yeah, I was looking for you" I blurted out, not realizing that I actually wasn't. "I mean no, I mean, I just wanted to ask if you were free int he evening? Maybe we could grab a cup of coffee?" Coffee? Way to go, me.
"Yeah sure! Should we say, around 4:30-ish?"
"I can't wait" and saying that, he flashed one last smirk.
I looked forward with a lighter heart, knowing I had definitely developed a liking for Jimin. And I'll have to admit, it made me forget about that while jackass encounter with yoongi.
I kicked open the door, making Selena jump. "God Rach, what's up?". She had her black tights and the Knicks hoodie on, and was watching Riverdale on Netflix. Life of a crazy blond. Sigh.
"You're twitching to tell me something ". Ladies and gentlemen, get yourself a roommate who could read you just by looking at the back of your head.
"I think I'm gonna ask Jimin out". It felt so much better letting it out to one of the best listeners in the world.
"That's amazing Racheal! He's a really good guy, and you guys are totally gonna rock hashtag couple goals in no time." I knew she was right, not the couple goals shit, no scratch that it was way to cringy. But yeah, I was ready for it.
It was 4:00 and I was hyping up more than anything. Selena lended me one of her off-shoulders and frankly, it looked pretty good. I felt a light viberation in my back pocket, and I reached out for my phone. There was a text from Jimin. I opened it and smiled so wide, my ears popped.
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I don't know if it was just my shitty thinking or what, but I always thought (:)) emoji was flirtatious. Maybe it's my last few brain cells trying to communicate after I saw this message.
I tapped the message box, randomly running my thumbs over the keyboard, not knowing what to reply.
"Sure thing Jimin" too dorky
"Not if I see you first" too needy
":)" Perfect.
I heard a soft knock at the door and almost made a run towards it but hey, if you gotta act sophisticated. I causally (making a total ass outta myself) walked towards the door and opened it. Oh my man. Jimin was dressed in a leather jacket, and this was probably the first time I had seen him look this hot.
"Ready?" I opened my mouth the say something clever, but ended up saying something that pretty much sounded like "mdushsjsj"
We walked down the the coffee house, and the whole way jimin talked about how unsanitary it was living with yoongi. "He literally leaves his underwear on my towel" jimin said, laughing all the way.
We took a seat and the waitress came over, looking at Jimin with a flirtatious face. He tried to get his attention, small brushes on his shoulder, and a flirty eye contact, but Jimin was unmovable. Defended, she turned away, giving me a snake-eye.
"So what'd you wanna talk about?" Jimin asked, and I looked down. I hadn't really prepared the answer to this, cause his was a total white lie.
"I-I um-.." I mumbled, not knowing what to say. Way to go, English grammer.
Jimin gently put his hand above mine, and with his other free hand, lifted my face so that my eyes were jabbing into his.
"Racheal, I really like you. Like, really really like you. I never knew how to say this, but now that we're alone, I just couldnt help it."
My eyes legit popped out of their sockets. Huh. So it's mutual. I really wish I had Selena to tell me what to do next.
"I like you too Jimin" I managed to say at last, and his face broke open into a smile.
"Come here" he said, sliding his hand behind my neck, pulling my face in for a kiss. His top lip held on to my bottom one, and he stayed there for a few seconds. Then he moved in for another one, with a little more force.
"Okay" he rasped finally, breaking the kiss and laying his forehead against mine. "I can't believe I finally have you". The feeling's mutual, my man.
Hey guys! So yeah, I'm really sorry I haven't been writing cuz mainly I've been having my exams since the last week. But hey, your girl is back. This was a longer chapter, considering how short the previous chapters were. I've got the whole thing planned, so just a few more chapters before the icebreaker comes up! Peace out, Ash~