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Namjoon's pov

In my dream i saw my family, my team, and everyone who I care about starting to drift away from me, i hold out my arms trying to grab them but they all disappeared and all i could see was darkness and coldness by myself as i was felling the cold he could see someone laying on the ground not far from me, as i looked that person was dripping blood and as his Face turn to see Namjoon face, Namjoons face was pale seeing his father bleeding in front of him with a smile and he could hear him saying

You dont care about me do you namjoon? Your own family your own blood you choose them?, and you just left me in the dark all by myself?, I wish you didnt even exist.

third person's pov

He woked up panting for breath he looked around and all he could saw was his room, he sighed

Its just a bad dream namjoon, just a bad dream

Then he look beside him and looked at the alarm clock it was 05:07 AM, he sighed he couldnt go back to sleep once he woke up, so he gets off his bed and walked out of his room and went to the kitchen as he was walking there he heard a clatter coming from the kitchen, he quickly took the first thing he saw and quietly tiptoed to the kitchen his hearth was beating fast hoping it wasnt an intruder in their house, as soon as he got closer to the sound he smelled the smell of fresh pancakes coming from the frying pan with a tall man cooking them, he sighed and his heart calming down as he know the person who had wide shoulder was cooking something

Jin: aigyoo joonie you scared me, he sad holding his hand to his heart acting all dramatically

Jin: and what are you doing holding that? , his gaze soon went to the thing namjoon was holding

Namjoon: I though you were an intruder hyung, he said while putting the mirror down

Jin:how could you think a world wide handsome like me be an intruder joonie, I am heart broken he said fake crying, namjoon just smiled

Namjoon: thank god you have a wide shoulder or else i would have hit you in the head with your own mirror haha, he laughed and Seokjin laugh with him

Jin: god if that happens jonnie I swear youll be sorry, he said trying to sound intimitaded but failed miserably seeing Namjoon was smilling instead of being scared, he continued making the pancakes he turned to Namjoon and smiled to him

Jin: do you want some jonnie?

Namjoon: sorry hyung but im not that hungry

he said smiling as he was actually starving but all of the comment telling him he was fat got to his mind and started to stave himself even more, the older saw his face but shrugged it off feeling the younger one didnt want to talk about it. In the end namjoon just drank some coffee and ate some fruit accompanying Jin who was happily eating his stacks of pancakes as usual he even praise himself and made Namjoon laugh at the olders comments, as they were chatting the other members one per one started to show up at the kitchen from the smell of fresh pancakes smelled from miles away. They all eventually got together and ate the pancakes jin made for them, and they all went to take a shower getting ready and went to the consert.

As soon as they arrived there they all could hear the screaming army outside the consert place screaming WE LOVE YOU, MARRY ME, BTS!!! We waved to them and went into the consert getting ready for the consert and some the members notice Namjoon arms was wrapped with some bandages, they were all silent until Hoseok talked

Hoseok: joonie what happened to your arm? He said with a worried face to the leader, but he just showed a faint smile showing his dimple

Namjoon: yeah im okay hobi I just accidentally cut myself with a broken glass before, he said trying to cover his bandages with his long outfit that they had to wear for the consert

They all looked relieved, not knowing the true reasons why he was using the bandages. All of a suddenly Namjoons eyes went blurry his head went all weird and he felt lightheaded, he took out some medicine that he usually brings with him and drank it with some water.

once he finished gulping his medicine and told people who walk passed him that he was just drinking his vitamins. In his mind he was only thinking about one thing the group is your priority, just suck it in and hold the pain, he was about to sit down when all of the sudden the cru told them to be standing by near the stage for their performances, he shrugged it off and walked towards the stage and in seconds they performed for the fans that were waiting for them.

the members were all doing their part with passion and without a flaw they were in perfect shape... except for their leader, in the performance Namjoon made many mistakes, he didnt look energetic, heck he accidentally made jin fell because his foot was in the way, you could say this was his worst performances yet and the other member noticed it, and their reaction to his performance was not pretty... they were upset, devastated, mad.

They knew their leader makes mistakes on stage sometimes but this takes the top of the cheery sunday, and because they were already tired from their packed schedule they all were at the end of their wits and was just holding down their fumes like they use to but namjoon's action made all of them snapped at the leader. They all went into their dressing room, there were only them inside the room because they just finished their performance and the cru and manager were rapping it up at the backstage. Namjoon sat at on of the chairs in the room with his head hung low from all the glare he's receiving from his member.


author's note


who said that? >W<

i'll reveal that at the next chapter

leave a vote and see you guys on the next chapter

bye @joonjooniexxx

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