Try Again

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Warnings: Miscarriage, angst, flashback to fluff, i talk about beavers too much


  "Alright, so if it's a boy? What's your pick?" Bucky asked.

"I really like Alex," you responded, reaching over to grab a napkin from the opposing side of the table.

"Okay, 'Alex'," he muttered to himself, trying to see if he liked it or not. He stuffed his sandwich into his mouth and chewed while he thought.

"Yeah, I like Alex," he said, more confidently, "And if it's a girl?"

"Alex," you said without missing a beat.

"Oh, so you want a gender-neutral name, I see," he laughed. You looked at him with fake hurt in your eyes.

"I'm kidding! I'm kidding, baby." he quickly recovered. Your hormones were going crazy, and he never knew when you were serious or not.

"I'm just messin' with you," you giggled, "I mean, yeah I'd like a neutral name, but I really just like the name, and it happens to work with both," you explained, trying not to make him feel worse by laughing, which you were struggling not to do.

You felt like you couldn't move. You wanted to yell and scream. You wanted to cry while pushing your face as far into your husband's neck as possible. You wanted this to be a dream.

You woke up with a warm feeling around your legs, and a small pain in your stomach. Assuming you had wet the bed again for the third time in your pregnancy, you got ready to get up to wash the sheets, laughing at the thought of Bucky realizing it happened again. But, when you pushed the comforter back to inspect the damage, you were only met with red stains and your face dropping.

You didn't know what to do first. Do you cry? Do you wake Bucky up?

After a few moments of consideration, you picked the latter, not feeling any emotion. You quickly took your hand and hit his back as hard as you could, nearly knocking him off the bed even though you knew he was a light sleeper.

"Bucky... Bucky!"

"What?" he asked, "did you wet the bed again? You know i-"

"Bucky," you cut him off, "I'm bleeding."

"Babe!'" Bucky shouted from upstairs. You set down the book you were reading and stood up from your comfy position on the couch.

"Babe, come 'ere!" Bucky shouted again, impatient. He was obviously excited about something.

"I'm coming!" you yelled, making your way up the stairs to your childish husband.

You made it to the tops of the steps and start looking for him, unsure of where he was. He wasn't in the bedroom or bathroom, so he must've been in either the guest bedroom or the linen closet, and you were hoping for the former.

You walked in to see Bucky standing in the middle of the room surrounded by boxes, buckets of paint, and other tools.

"What are you doing?" you asked curiously, "And how did you get all of this in here without me noticing, you would've had to pass the couch?"

"Doll, you know you're married to an ex-assassin, right? And you seemed to be so engrossed in your book, I probably coulda brought in a giraffe and you wouldn't have noticed." He explained, that last part makes you laugh and his eyes lit up when you did. He's said before, it was even in his vows, that his goal was to make you laugh, and boy did he fulfill his promise.

"Then what are you doing with all this stuff?" you asked, not really putting two and two together.

"Ummm," Bucky said, looking around the room and then back at you, "Building a nursery?" as if it were the most obvious thing in the world, which it kind of was. You gave him a funny look.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2018 ⏰

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