The Outlaw

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Chapter 1


I watched as her as she walked down her street, her long beautiful brown hair flowing off her back, and her heels clicking with every step she takes. I see goosebumps on her skin, probably from the feeling someone is watching her. I am, of course. Every time she hears my footsteps she turns around, her big brown eyes looking for me. I feel bad for my baby, she is only 16 Yes, she is 16 But i don't care, she is gorgeous, and i'll make sure she is always safe.

Am I planning on taking her now? No, not yet. I can't. I'm going to wait until tomorrow, when her parents are out of town and she is asleep. It'll be perfect. Ill take her too my house and put her in my multi-sex decorated room. I have been waiting a year for her. I made sure i got everything she needs, including new clothes, so she doesn't have to wear the cheap ones her parents got her. I know every thing about my sweet baby-girl. From her favorite perfume to the brand toothpaste she uses, you name it, i know it.

Her innocence will be the death of me. But that is okay, im willing to do that for her. I won't ever let her be exposed to the dangers of the world. I can't let that happen and i won't. She can't get involved in a world like mine.

I'm the leader of the most wanted gang in the U.S. and i am very proud of my title. I bomb, rob, stab, and kill everything. Maybe, not everything, I mean, my baby girl is a safe as she can be. I didn't want to be in a gang, i have to. My brother runned it until he was killed, and i'm the only Mahone left. I hated it at first, but now its second nature. Its second on my most important list. My babe being the first.

I watched as she opened her door and walked up to her room. I noticed she forgot to lock the front door, so I very slowly opened it and locked it before closing it again. I made sure she was perfectly in her room before going to my hideout across the street to watch her. I sleep when she is at school, with her dumb friends. They brought her out to a high school party with loads of alcohol and drugs. Then, they get too high to bring her home so she has to walk at 2am. I swear, they are lucky i walked with her before anything bad happened to her. I would have killed every person in the world until i got to her.

I whipped out my phone and sent her another text:

Hey baby girl, i see you made it home safe and sound I saw you had some goosebumps on your arms? There is no need to be afraid of me babe, ill always keep you safe Goodnight, i love you Ill see you tomorrow, your mine baby ~ C

After i sent the text, i did a perimeter check of her house while calling my friend Zach and telling him to come out and watch her house so i can get my sleeping back on schedule for her.


I hear my phone beep and look to see another text message from the same anonymous person. He has been texting me since my 16th birthday.

Hey baby girl, i see you made it home safe and sound I saw you had some goosebumps on your arms? There is no need to be afraid of me babe, ill always keep you safe Goodnight, i love you Ill see you tomorrow, your mine baby. ~ C

ugh, what a creep. What does he mean see me tomorrow? What the fuck

I can't be bothered with that right now anyways, all i can think about it is how i really need to lay down, my feet are killing me. I quickly trow on some sweats and a tank top, then throw my hair up in a messy bun and jump in bed.

After about 20 minutes, i'm out like a light

The Outlaw (austin mahone)Where stories live. Discover now