Chapter 14

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Chapter 14


"Carter." I giggled.

"Yes love?" He mumbled into my neck.

"Can you leave me alone so i can sleep?" I asked.

"No can do babygirl." He smirked into my neck, kissing it again.

I sighed and attempted to go back to sleep, him still trying to wake me up.

I felt myself getting flipped over so i layed on my back, and pressure on my stomach. I groaned, "Get off me you weigh to much."

He gasped, fake hurt. "That hurt. It's not fat it's muscle."

I hummed a mhm sarcastically. I pushed on his chest but he wouldn't budge. "I'm up, i'm up." I told him opening my eyes.

He smiled, "There are those eyes i love so much." He pecked my nose. "There are some clothes in the bathroom, go get ready I have a meeting."

I nodded an got dressed in what he gave me. Surprisingly, this time it was a tank top, and some shorts. I left my hair down straight and put on a light coat of makeup before walking downstairs to see Carter impatiently tapping his foot.

He looked at me with a straight face and motioned me to come to him. He opened the door and i started to walk out of the house. He followed behind me, putting his hand on the small of my back, slowly trailing down to my ass "What are you doing?" I asked him harshly swatting his hand away.

He looked at me, "Just get in the car." He spat.

I got in the car and he started it. Without looking at me he said, "Today's meeting isn't like before, there are other girls there. These guys aren't going to be like i usually am, and i cant be that way either. It doesn't matter what i say or do, you go with it. If any other guy says something, you ignore them. Your there for me, not them. Understand?" He said harshly.

"Yea. I mumbled." He was so nice when i woke up, now he is all harsh...

When pulled up to this place, and it was a huge mansion. Carter came around to my side of the car and pulled me out of the car by my wrist. "Ouch." I hissed and tugged my hand away.

He looked at me with sympathy but it went away as quick as it came. He turned me around and placed his hand on my back pushing me towards the door. When we got to the door, he kicked it open to reveal a big room that looked like it help a party, but it was much more civilized. It was a party without the loud music and grinding bodies.

We walked through the party towards a man with a girl about 3 years older than me sitting in his lap. She looked very uncomfortable, the man looked around the middle of his 20's

Me and her looked at each other for a second before Carter pulled me into his lap and locked his fingers on my upper thighs. He started to rub them and i looked down at his fingers, not objecting. I don't want to be punished again. Carter and the man, who i found was named Ronnie, were talking about something while me and the other girl we just sitting there.

"Right babe?" I heard Carter say.

I looked up and saw everyone looking at me. "I'm sorry, what?" I asked?

Carter sighed frustrated. "She's clueless," he told the others " I asked if you were 16." He stated.

"I thought you knew?" I questioned, elongating the sentence.

"No i don't." He said through gritted teeth. Telling me to just go along with it.

I nodded, "Yes i am 16."

Ronnie smiled, "Well why don't you and Amber here go upstairs to her room until we are done down here?" He asked while pushing her up and giving her butt a slap.

We nodded and i went to stand up but Carter pulled me tighter against him. "Don't do anything dumb okay babygirl?" He whispered in my ear. I nodded and he placed a kiss on my neck, sucking a bit, then pulled away. I stood up and Amber grabbed my hand pulling me up the stairs into a room that was decorated blue and white.

"Follow me." She told me. I walked behind her onto the balcony. "If you jump down and run about 3 miles through the forest to the right, you'll reach a police station, they can tak-"

"What?" I cut her off.

She looked at me headlong me climb over the railing. "Go, before they come back."

"No, i want to stay." i told her climbing back over.

The door opened and I looked over to see Carter with a red face. My eyes widened. "THE HELL IS HAPPENING." He yelled.

I shrunk back and Amber stood in front of me. "Carter, it's not what it looks like." she calmly told him.


I looked over at Amber, she had a look that sad 'please don't snitch me out.' I sighed and looked at Carter, "I was just telling Amber how i wanted to go back to the house."

He looked at me, obviously not believeing. "Come on." he told me.

I walked over to him. He looked at me with and ashamed look in his eyes, before grabbing my wrist and pulling me out to his car.

When we got in i heard him sniffling i looked over to see tears streaming down his face. "Cart-" I began but he cut me off.

"Did you lie when you said you loved me?" He told me.

"No. I wouldn't lie about something like that." I told him, shocked.

"Then why were you trying to leave?" He questioned angry.

"Amber was practically pushing me over the railing." I explained, angry he didn't believe me.

"Don't even try to blame it on amber. She wouldn't even know her way out." He chuckled angrily.

"I'M NOT EVEN LYING." I yelled, exasperated.

He didn't respond for a minute. "You know what this means right?"

I looked over at him and shook my head, "No."

"Punishment." He replied back simply.

To me it wasn't a very simple statement. It was a statment that required pain and heartbreak. It was a statement that caused trust to be lost and relationships to be broken.



Tysm guys for reading my story please comment if you love this story so I can keep updating; and also 5 votes for next chapter loves.

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