Chapter one - Of masks and cures

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It was a fairly ordinary day at site [redacted]. Everything was running smoothly, well that was until scp 682 decided that he'd had enough of these 'petty, worthless humans' and breached containment.

Scp 035 was still lying on the floor of his containment cell, staring up at the boring, grey ceiling. 035 came to the conclusion that staring up at the ceiling whilst wallowing in the self pity of ' unrequited love' as he put it,
wasn't benificial to him so he slowly sat up and pondered on what else he could do during the breach. Yes, escape was an option but 035 knew that whatever sweet moment of bliss he would achieve from escape would be quickly consumed by the thought of *him*. 035 decided that roaming the halls to somewhat clear his mind of these thoughts was the best option he could conjure up in his current mental state.

(Sorry this chapter's short, I just want it to be well written... )

SCP 035 x 049 - We are lovers, he and I.Where stories live. Discover now