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Joshua: Older brother of Gabby, trains with the chain whip and the bow and arrow, though he was better at archery like Soul Archer

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Joshua: Older brother of Gabby, trains with the chain whip and the bow and arrow, though he was better at archery like Soul Archer. He has lion ears, a tiger's tail, a snake's fangs, and forked tongue, and like his sister he can make any noise any animal make's. He has brown hair and Sky blue eye's, and as his sister he can make his skin indestructible giving them a helping hand in fighting. He specializes in fighting and thieving as well as throwing knives. Outfit: Black converse, blue jeans, leather jacket, Black F***, black You hat, black watch, shades, and tattoo across his chest.

 Outfit: Black converse, blue jeans, leather jacket, Black F***, black You hat, black watch, shades, and tattoo across his chest

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Gabby: Younger sister of Joshua, trains with the bow and arrow and the chain whip but is better with the chain whip much like Wrayth

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Gabby: Younger sister of Joshua, trains with the bow and arrow and the chain whip but is better with the chain whip much like Wrayth. She has wolf ears, a leopards tail, dragon's fangs, a snake's forked tongue,. Similar to her sibling she can purr, roar, hiss, growl, and make any noise any animal, real or not, makes. She has brunette hair, golden eye's, and like her brother her skin becomes indestructible aiding her in battle. She specializes in trickery, fighting, throwing knives, and scaring people. Outfit: Black jeans, skull tank-top, black, silver, and red fingerless gloves, cropped leather jacket, black high-heels, black nails, believe necklace, chain-whip ring, black tuft earrings, and silver phone.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2018 ⏰

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