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Zoe: its gonna be horrible be warned!

Fighting..... Its normal in a world meeting but this wasn't the usual fighting. This time Norway and Denmark were fighting. They were fighting about their past, not letting it go and moving forward to the present. You know what they say right?

"Keep moving forward"

America was getting annoyed as well as the other countries. "These guys are even more annoying when we argue about our stuff." America said. "I hate to say this but, you are right about that." England said while he looked at his cup of tea.

Canada, a country who is never noticed wrote a something on a paper and threw it at America.

"Ow!" America flinched. He saw a paper and unwrapped it. His eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Guy I have a good idea." He said.

The Axis and Allies looked at him and he tells them. "Thanks to my awesome plans. I found a way to make them stop fighting, by punishing them. The Nordic 5 are going a bit too far with the arguments in each meeting so this is a good plan. The heroes aka us are gonna bring the Nordics down." He said with a smile.

They started to discuss the plan and told Germany to stop what Denmark and Norway were doing. (I cannot write a German accent sorry)


"Thanks to you two everyone is your little group are gonna suffer with you guys since you guys need to learn to get along with each other. America and the Allies are gonna be the ones who gonna gonna decide your punishment and your fate after this meeting is over!!" He yelled.

Denmark was gonna bite back but Norway took his tie and chocked(?) him with his tie. "Great thanks to you we are gonna be pulled into your mess." Iceland said to his brother, Norway. "I'm too young to die. I still haven't finished making the gifts for the children for Christmas!!" Finland cried. Sweden just looked at them with his usual emotionless stare but you can tell he was mad because of his dark scary aura.

Time skip

After the meeting was over Denmark thought of getting away from the Allies by blending in with the crowd but since his uniform was different than most countries his plan backfired.

"Oh no you aren't getting away, aru." China said while karate chopping him which knocked out Denmark. "I swear I'm getting too old for this. " China said trying to fix his back.

Everyone knows China is old which makes every nation think that he should take it easy. He refused however saying that he's not that old. The same went for Austria. He is so old that he so moves really slow and complains a lot. He at least admits that he is old.

Anyways, Norway facepalmed while Iceland and Sweden chuckled. Finland was scared out of his mind to notice.

"Well then let's see what we have here. Norway, Finland, Iceland, Sweden, Denmark, Greenland and Sealand." Alfred stated.

"Get back to your house you twat!!" England yells at Sealand.

Sealand refused so Greenland did a favor and took Sealand home.

"The punishment for arguing a lot, fighting physically that made us pay for the damages back in a world meeting taking place in India and the fact that you guys don't seem to get along is being sent to a group of island nations that will teach you what is being different and how to get along with one another." France announced.

"You can't do that!! Its unfair!! You, America and England fight a lot why do we get punished?!" Denmark asked.

"Well its simple actually at least they get along sometimes. They may have different opinions but in the end its all solved with my magic pipe." Russia  explained while smiling. Everyone got creeped out.

Time skip again brought to you by Norway's love for butter and coffee

They all got their stuff ready and were on an airplane that will soon land.

They were going to this country that doesn't bother showing up in the world meetings so none of the Nordics knew who the nations are. Yes nations  not nation. Plural not singular. They are gonna meet a group that are exactly like them.

When the plane landed. They got out and inspected the place. It was tropical you could say. It looks beautiful in the eyes of a tourist but to the Nordics it looked like hell. It was like 99°F outside and it was winter. They thought that they were in the South but they were wrong. America told them they are in the center and that they were in America, the Caribbean part of America. They've waited for like half an hour and the person that was gonna picked them up hasn't showed up yet.

"I can't take any more of this heat. Where is the person?!" Iceland exclaimed.

"Hello everyone." A feminine said.

The Nordics looked at the young woman. She had the same age as Emil and was wearing a weird dress.

"You must be Los Nórdicos(The Nordics) verdad(right)?" She asked.

They nodded and she smiled.

"Then let the journey begin."

To Be Continued

Yuki: there you have the most horrible prologue. Hope you enjoy.

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