Italy x Pregnant/Expecting! Reader | Paint

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      Your boyfriend Feliciano Vargas was a wonderful artist, no doubt about it. The way he mixed the many colours you'd never expect to match together to create a beautiful masterpiece was absolutely breathtaking. To express the talent of the bubbly Italian with words would be near impossible unless you bought a dictionary with you to look up every definition of beautiful. You loved to watch Feliciano gently bring his paintbrush along the blank canvas to create an image. With each painting, there was most definitely a meaning or an inspiration for it. Whether it be sad memories or the happy ones that inspired it, they still inspired him to continue to paint. Several months after you and Feliciano began to date, you and him... got frisky one night. With that, he had knocked you up, and you were now pregnant. Were you mad or upset with Feliciano? No, of course not! He treated you like a princess of a powerful kingdom, and that's all you could ever ask for. It had been four months since then and not once had you two gotten into a fight- it was as if you two were meant for each other, and you certainly believed that. Feliciano had already been planning for when the baby came, taking one of the extra rooms in the house and claiming it to be the nursery. Since he claimed it, he seemed to be in there almost every day working on something. What could it be? The question lurked in the back of your mind until one day, Feliciano slowly exited the nursery room.

      "(Name)! (Name)! Come here, come to the nursery, it's time for you to see what I've done!" Feliciano called out, hanging off the doorframe. His hazel eyes shined with the purest of excitement, watching you emerge from the kitchen down the hall.

      "I'm coming, I'm coming," you laugh softly, walking over to your lover. "I finally get to see what you've been keeping from me? This is certainly exciting." Feliciano takes your hands into his, squeezing them gently as he looked into your (colour) eyes. You could tell he was slightly nervous to reveal what he had done because his palms were slightly sweaty, and beads of sweat were forming on his forehead. Despite that, he showed off his handsome grin.

      "Are you ready?" He whispered softly, leaning in towards your face slightly.

      You give him a gentle smile and nod, closing the gap for a second to peck his lips lightly. "Of course I'm ready. I'm sure whatever you've turned it into looks amazing." With that, Feliciano slowly walked back into the room, pushing the door open gently with the back of his foot. The sight of the room amazed you; Feliciano managed to turn the room in a farm-themed nursery, the walls adorned with cute little animals and a big red barn. Next to the barn was a blank spot, that seemed slightly out of place. Though, Feli placed his hand on the empty spot and gave you a nod.

      "When we find out what gender the baby is, a farmer with that gender will be going right here!" The smile Feliciano wore never seemed to fade. He seemed so proud of his work and hoped you were too. And you were, hugging your boyfriend gently and resting your head on his chest.

      "This is all so amazing..." You whispered softly, raising your arms up slowly to drape them around his neck. You felt him place his hands gently on your side, holding you close.

      "The crib is also a normal light brown for now until we find out the baby's gender..~ Then I'll paint it a pink or blue~"

      "Salmon. It'll obviously be salmon." You joked, loving to bring up that reference whenever you could. This earned a small chuckle from Feliciano, who placed a soft kiss on your head.

      "I love you, (name). You make my life as bright as the sun."

      "I love you, too, Feliciano. Never stop shining like the night's beautiful stars."

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