Late for school (1.)

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.*Your POV*.

I run down the stairs 'I'm gonna be late for school again!' I thought as I got my lunch my mom packed me, I run down the street I wasn't really paying attention to my surroundings and bumped into a girl which made me fall down "I am so sorry, are you ok?" the girl said "Yea I'm ok." I replied "Again I am so sorry." She repeated "It's ok, I'm Y/N." "I'm Maya! It's nice to meet you, Y/N. I really got to get to school now, see ya later!" I already knew her name, everyone at the school knows her name but I wasn't surprised she didn't know mine, I don't really talk to other people and I take care of my problems by myself.

In the distance I hear the bell ring, whelp no reason to go to school anymore it would be embarrassing to come in class late. Plus I heard there's this new shop and I was planning to go after school, my parents wouldn't mind it's not like they are here most of the time and if my school calls to check why I'm not at school they'll probably think I'm sick. I run home to get out of my school uniform so people think I'm home schooled or I'm tutored or something like that, once I was out of my uniform and in a F/C shirt and some jeans I went out and went down the street to the shop.

When I went in there was a man with blonde hair setting some stuff on a shelf , when he noticed me he stop putting stuff on the shelf and said "Oh, welcome! Shouldn't you be in school?" "I'm home schooled." I lied "Well then, what can I do for you?" he said smiling "I'm just gonna look around." I say "That's fine with me." he said going back to putting stuff on the shelf, I look around and  there were a lot of different things, you find a little thing that catches your eye "Sir, what is this little thing?" You ask the man who was now dusting some things on a table "Oh, they call it a glitter charm." he replies "How much for it?" "You can have it on the house." "really?" I am surprised he was gonna give it to me for free, it looked really old and  valuable "It looks really old and valuable." I say "Oh it's not that old and it not really valuable either. So do you want it or not?" he says "Yea, it looks pretty." "Well you can have it!" "Ok if it's fine with you." I pick up the glitter charm and look around more, nothing else caught my eye so I thanked the man for the charm and walked out.

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