Winged Dick

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Back at the hotel we open the door to see a man in a suit and tie but a lot a trench coat. I instantly though he was so attractive but i didn't know who he was and the brothers never brought him up so i pulled out my gun, a Colt M1911 and aimed it at him but Sam held out his hand so i brought it down and holstered it into my concealed holster. Dean says "Mia this is Castiel he is an angel." my mouth drops but nobody says anything until Sam says while sitting down "I take it you have a message." the angel who goes by Castiel says "It's lucky you found the boy." at the sound of his voice i melt but don't say anything i just sit on the bed and listen to their conversation. Dean replies "Oh yea, real lucky. What do we do with him?" Castiel then says bluntly "Kill him." at that i jump up and say "Listen here feathers that is a kid you are talking about i'm not killing a kid and I won't let you." while Dean just says "Cas." the angel turns and looks at me with a glare and then addresses both of us with "This child is half demon and half human but it's far more powerful than either, other cultures call this creature kamien or contago, you know him as the antichrist." Castiel then sits down at the table across from Sam and a fart sound goes off and he looks all around then says "That wasn't me." I start laughing and he looks at me so I shut up. Sam then says "Anyway I don't get it Jessie is the devil's son." "No of course not, your bible gets more wrong than right the antichrist is not Lucifer's child it's just demon spawn.But it is one of the devils most greatest weapon in the war against heaven." I ask "Well if Jessie is one of the devils greatest weapons what the hell is he doing in Nebraska?" he gives me a look and says "The demons lost him, they can't find him but their looking." "and they lost him because?" Dean asks "Because of he child's power, it hides him from both angels and demons, for now." "So hes got some sort of force field around him?" I ask "With Lucifer risen this child will grow strong soon he will do more than just make a few toys come to life, something that will make the demons find this child. Lucifer will twist this boy to his purpose and with a word this child will destroy the host of heaven." Dean asks "So your saying Jessie is going to nuke the angels?" Cas simply says "We cannot allow that to happen." Sam then goes on saying we are the good guys and that we cant kill a child which I agree to. Castiel gets up and says "A year ago you would have done what ever it took to win this war." and Sam says defensively "Things change." I walk forward and get in this angels face and say "Listen here you winged dick we are not just going to kill some child."

Castiel steps closer to me and smirks "You are just like your father." I stare at him and yell "You know my father. What does he have to do with this? Who is he." I grab him by his coat and slam him against a wall while yelling and he pushes me off not so gently and says "See your father does this when he is mad. You want to know your father? He is in this room." Dean walks towards me and check if im alright but then says "Cas just say it. Who is Mia's father?" Cas then says bluntly "Dean it's you, I knew you had a suspicion she does look like you in multiple ways she even acts like you." my mouth drops and tears start to roll down my face and Dean asks "How come i didn't know? How come she didn't know?" Sam steps forward and says "Mia told me her mom made a deal with a demon so you didn't find her." I sit down and put my head in my hands and cry. Dean looks at me and sits next to me and asks "Your mom was Anne Waters, huh?" I nod weakly he rubs circles on my back while muttering "I should have known." Sam then decides to break the awkwardness by talking to Cas telling him a plan to take Jessie to a guy named Bobby's place which of course he disagrees to. Sam then tries to convince Cas by telling him that we can tell him the truth and maybe he will be good Cas says "You didn't and I cant take that chance." I look up and see Castiel is gone Dean and i say at the same time "Son of a bitch." we pile into the Impala while speeding over Sam says "Well Mia it looks like i'm your uncle." i chuckle nervously and Dean says "Let's talk about this later." i put my head down, i'm sure Dean doesn't want a child so I mentally plan that once this case is over I will leave them alone for ever.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2018 ⏰

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