Chapter Five

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Sacrifice Chapter Five

'Be who you are and say what you feel because those who care don't matter and those who matter don't care.' -Dr. Seuss

Everyone says that forgiving and forgetting is important. But is it? It's been months since I arrived at Alpha Gould's, months since I last saw my dysfunctional family.

Months since I saw Corey.

Will I ever forgive him? For putting me through hell and back, for making me leave the only place I'd ever know. For showing me that I wasn't and was never going to be good enough?

Well that better be a hell of an apology.

I guess that could be a good thing. Over the past couple of days, I've been thinking of him. Yes it hurts, but what if I pushed on?

What if I told him no, I won't be the one left over.

What if I stayed and worked on becoming the Alpha Female everyone needs and wants?

What would happen if I convinced Corey that I can be an Alpha Female, can I even convince him?

Would I have Corey, a mate, a lover, and Alpha and hopefully someday; a husband?

What would happen if I stayed?

I shook my head of those thoughts as Jesse and I entered the dance studio. Don't think like that, don't dwell on the past, Waverley. Clad in loose shorts and tank tops, we headed in the spacious room. Light filled the room from the large windows to the right, and the right wall was covered with mirrors. In the back, bars at about waist level sat by the wall.

"Oh Darlings! You're finally here! Oh dear, Jesse isn't it? I just remember you in little diapers! Crying for your blankie, look how the times have past!" said a woman standing by the windows, she rushed forward to embrace Jesse and pinch his cheeks.

With a tight bun of light blonde hair with streaks of white due to age on her head, a leotard and tights I'm guessing she's the dance teacher. Im guessing 40 or so, although she moved with the gracefulness of a young adult. As she attacked Jesse with hugs and kisses I stood on the side, a stab of longing tore through me.

If I stayed, would someone be like that to me?

No. Waverley, remember. Corey REJECTED you, your parents IGNORED you and the pack doesn't even know you exist.

It was a mutual decision, I agreed with Corey.

It was a weak reply as an internal battle was held, my current self and my past. Things would have been different if I stayed, not always for the better.

I don't regret giving it up for Adrianna, but I do regret giving Corey up without a fight. But you can't give it up when you've never had it, right?

Suddenly, her attention was on me, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Oh heavens! Where are my manners! Hello, I'm your dance instructor; Vera. Darrling! Your absolutely uh special, though your eyes are quite bit frightening." she muttered the end, my eyes narrowed. Vera chuckled nervously, looking from me to Jesse.

I mouthed 'I don't like her' just as Vera turned around. Jesse smiled, he was clearly amused and completely thankful that her attention was not on him. I looked closely and saw red marks on his cheeks, realizing what they were I stifled my laughter.

"You must really get a haircut, look at those split ends! I must admit you have somewhat alright hair, but no boy wants to date a rats nest."

Angry, I opened my mouth to fire some angry comment at her, Vera must have noticed because she cut me off just as I was about to say something.

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